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A decent racer with cool music and nice graphics. It is a shame you didnt do any of the assets or sound yourself. The cars were kind of hard to control. Very cool that you added local multiplayer. I hope you continue to enter game jams!

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(2 edits)

Hey ATK Arcade

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

When I decided what my game proposal was, based on the theme and the rule of using only black and white, there were only 4 days to deliver.

I already had an old idea of making a game without colors, and when Lone Rabbit proposed the optional theme, the idea of the race for the living dead seemed fantastic.

With the idea in mind and some drafts of tracks, I needed to plan the production thinking on a one-person project.

I have planned two groups of assets, the group of ready-made assets and the assets that I will produce:

Ready Assets:

  • 3D Models
  • Soundtrack
  • Sound effects

Assets to be produced:

  • Level Design
  • AI
  • Checkpoints and Laps
  • Car Controller
  • Camera animation
  • New shader for ready assets and thus meet the black and white
  • Visual Effects
  • UI
  • Project page
  • Videos, images, and gifs for social media

I don't believe it, but I finished this first version in time to deliver it to B&W Jam. 

Then, I put together a roadmap of the next steps. That's right. I really liked the result and the theme that will take the game to a higher level.

Below is the roadmap that will follow to bring the game to Steam.

  • Fix some bugs
  • Cutscene to introduce the story and explain why the living-dead
  • 6 New cars designed and customized
  • 10 new cemeteries with their tracks
  • Improve the player controller
  • Improve the inputs
  • Addition of new input devices, gamepads, and controls
  • Settings panel allowing to controls audio, video, and others
  • Implement an AI mode with Easy, Medium, and Hard options
  • Shader improvement
  • Visual effects improvement
  • More soundtracks
  • Creation of a specific game page with its own domain
  • Creating a server on Discord
  • Created from the page on Steam with the release date.

I have a lot of work to do. 


It is a great start! And good work for just 4 days.