Pretty cool. I liked the art quite a lot. I can't put my finger on why, but it reminds me of a certain era of old pc games. The enemies felt quite bullet spongy. I think 1-2 shots to kill them would have felt better. I don't think there was a way to kill the turrets, right? I spent one of my lives just standing in front of it and firing to see if it could die and it killed me first. Also a sound for the player firing, any sound at all, would really add a whole whole lot to the feel of the game. I couldn't find a way to reliably dodge the enemy's firing, so it became a game of "How lucky can I get jumping randomly to dodge enemy bullets while spamming the shoot button?" I think that if you update the game to add just a few more things like that and maybe make it a bit longer (I'm not sure about how long the game actually is, I always died before I got to an end). I think you've got a really solid base. I like it and I think you should keep updating it.