/say follow me! or /shout come here will get the attention of any freaked out and therefore stealthed child within earshot. You might need to move around and look into different corners of the map for them them to hear you. not too far when you shout or use a "!" when you say something.
escorting people gets a whole lot easier when you /stealth travel from here to there. of course you'll likely wind up almost drowning in the middle of a lake when you're only halfway to your destination, and likely at night and in the middle of a desert where there's no wood to be found to build an overnight shelter. So take two wooden logs, one for planks for a shelter, and one for a door to install there. do /stealth again to unstealth the moment you wind up in that lake i mentioned or you might really drown and die.
the rewards vary a lot in quality and can be rather silly bad if you've not done other quests with that person before. so keep than in mind and take another quest or two from them so the rewards get better. sometimes you get someone who has to do a lot of travel
for spoilery reasons and you might get lucky with something really great that you can use for a while. but hey.. none of their goodies can take runes which makes them useful only within a few 100 km from home.
Fragile stuff? yes. totally. that will make sense -- and yes, /salvage and /drop things into your stash house with /ds when you get home
traveling in /stealth while /wearing your equally fragile at first bags!
Avoid Blights and deaths with "the strategy of running away" and hoping that the next map you drop into to heal won't have some imp nuking the last bit of life out of you. And simply .. never enter dungeons, dens or coliseums. simply don't. Always upgrade to the best stuff you can find and consider holding a shield or two for their damage reduction ..
.. and getting at least a grizzly to accompany you. or a lake-monster, or an elk or something bigger than you! /pet them until they are happy and /give them a treat. if they like you well enough you'll have their loyalty for life. that means you can leave them somewhere and they will rejoin you later when you remind them of your friendship with another treat! Pets are FARA's better people. At least until you find a merc that's not simply a stuff-dropping idiot without any spells or buff-giving abilities that help instead of hinder you.
Once you have a few bags you can swap a grizzlies for a merc to help you carry things. In combat though, they might cost you more in equipment repair than you're willing to pay at first! So, /inspect and /salvage everything so you collect /recipes right from the start, make some big shields and troll the woods around the farthest away from home place you've ever been - in hopes for a bear that's not a young bear. mind you, a young grizzly will totally rock for a long time, but look for the strongest you can find and take them back into the easier zones around Relica to make it easy on yourself.
Once you used a tool you'll have its recipe available. Click on a runic shard from a salvaged rune for the details. And yes, the
upgrade do make the equipment stronger and more durable. Its hard to see sometimes. But you want that. Consider also a
workbench for all your repairs .. and repair that with a repair kit. keeps costs down. -- don't upgrade too much stuff, look instead
to improve your relation with any npc in the next town you find by doing quests for them. This will give you better stuff without
you needing to upgrade things you'll only need until you for a transition to iron or steel or whatever the better cloths are for mages. idk, i'm playing melee, not a mage.
And hey, heavy attacks with your wand will heal you a little bit. normal attacks dont do that. the more water runes you have in your gear, the more that healing will be, but you want to find and treasure any rejuvenation rune you find and then upgrade to the hilt any spell you make with that. That's what you want to keep some of the shards you're making for!
Two more things.. unlock the warehouse! and read my notes. they have a pretty good index and a whole bunch of tables full of detailed info for my next run at the game. They should help you too.. and if something's missing, send me your notes via DM on the discord or a comment on the github or perhaps even here.