Thanks a lot ! Very happy that you like the art music and ship designs ^^ i spent quite some time on them and the paint jobs cause even though they would be converted to some smaller sprites, i wanted them to have this "Star Wars - ey / Wing Commander - ey" used future look to them.
Oh that's something i didn't see or nobody mentioned yet, i'll have to look into that, could you be a bit more precise on what the issue is, what browser did you use ? (cause apparently they don't handle integrated html games the same way so who knows)
Yeah the bullets need more visibility i thought having their color animated would prevent that but i was wrong :p, the hitboxes is a bit of another mistake cause i feel like i failed to convey how they work just trough gameplay so i'll clarify :
- They're not full sprite, but when you have shields on they are still a somewhat significant area of the sprite around the cockpit glass
- When you're out of shields they are the exact area of the cockpit glass for each ship
-The module powerups can be used to "carve" your way into bullets as they just cancel them and even earn you a bit of points for it
Sorry for the long wall of text XD but glad you've liked the giant bosses and enjoyed the game, thanks so much for taking the time to comment after playing, have a good one, cheers :)