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Hey. I have some feedback.

Firstly, the game by itself is hard to start. ENTER did not work. Z?!?! Like seriously? I now remember Pico8 games work like that but you could have just told me on the menu "PRESS Z TO START"

Secondly, the font is unreadable. Like, I gotta read the font to understand stuff.

The movement is weird and hard to play with. ( Okay. I played the game again and now kind of understand *why* you did it like that, the minigame. However, you could have just made it so we have normal WASD then the arrow keys are used to aim and you shoot with space! Win-win! )

The map is confusing. I genuinely don't understand how the heck it works. 

Lastly, you failed to tell me how to play the minigame. I only figured out that I have to kill the enemies after I "finished" the game by losing all the minigames, then looking at the game's page. Furthermore, it seems like 2 out of 3 times I reached the maximum time so I just lost and you did not even tell me why ( on the game itself )!

( I tried the minigame again now knowing that I can shoot, now are my thoughts after playing the minigame ) Please, let me know my score. stop with this "Hidden Score" bs. I want to know how close/far I was for beating the damn thing! Also, the minigame is super hard. Either increase the amount of time I have or lower the "Hidden Score" needed.

Could not beat any of the minigames the 2nd time I tried.

Thanks for your notes. Being my first game and game jam, I assumed players would read the page before jumping in, and I'm learning that isn't the case! So, something to do better next time for sure.

I agree PICO-8's font isn't the best, especially for something as text-heavy as I put together. Unfortunately, the web player doesn't allow remapping the buttons or it would have been WASD + space/enter for sure!