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That's not my point at all. All I'm saying is that troll projects, memes, low effort rip-offs should be in their own categories. Games that use Intellectual Property that they do not own either in-game or in their title as click-bait shouldn't be tolerated as well.


Give people room to breathe, man. What you're suggesting is the very essence of censorship. Troll projects, low effort parodies and experimental games are how people are able to express themselves. Take away people's ability to vent their life angst in a video game and you get January 6th going all over again. I don't want to be advocating terrorism or sedition but that's the truth man. Those who make civil discourse illegal make armed rebellion inevitable.

I'm not saying every game maker has a gun (or a pitchfork) or wants to use it (or if they don't, wants to get one), but when you enforce censorship, you make society as a whole, unstable. How do you think the USSR never had a chance to beat the USA in the Cold War? It wasn't due to capitalism being the stronger ideology (that's actually BS because socialism is actually the stronger ideology), but because the USSR censored its people's personal expression so heavily that the really bad stuff went underground, and then when Gorbachev uncensored it with pere-whatever it's called-stroika or something, the torrent of anger and rage came to the forefront, breaking their society into divisive pieces, and leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the subsequent rise of Putin. Censorship is never a good thing.

Categorizing projects based on worth, is censorship. Who determines said worth anyway, and what moral standing do they have to do so? Are we going to have a proper works commission decide who gets to be classified as serious work and who gets to be shat out the seventh story window with the baby and the bathwater? This is all just so inherently immoral.

Categorizing projects based on worth, is censorship.

I said categorize projects on what they are. How is that censorship?

You propose this under the assumption that everyone shares the same idea of what is a serious game project and what is a tutorial showoff, an unworthy prototype, a low-effort clone, a meme, a shitpost. That assumption is wrong.

Take the one game you've released on itch as an example. Out there, around the world, there are people who will call your game a serious project, people who will call it a prototype unworthy of any attention, and people who will call it a shitpost, in more equal proportions than you might think. And none of them can be proven wrong.