My name is Mathieu and I have been using Itch for a little more than two weeks now and I have some thoughts on the platform that I would like to share. First, I think It is a great way to share indie games online. Games have great visibility and creators receive valuable feedback. A lot of quality games are highlighted and shown on the front page. There is no other place like it. Unfortunately, I do think there is a problem with how games are shown on the platform.
I have tried quite a lot of different games in the past week. I picked games from the popular pages, popular tags and recently added ones. Some of them were quality games, games that you can clearly see that a certain level of effort was put into them. There were also other games which were memes, total rip-offs, jokes, and shit-posting. Now, maybe these games also belong on the platform, but they should be separated from the quality content. (By quality, I do not mean games that I think are fun. I mean QUALITY) I understand that a lot of quality titles never get the attention they deserve because of bad presentation or low effort publishing, but after digging deeper I think some delightful titles are simply unseen because they are hidden below tons and tons of low effort ones. Now this is always going to happen, games will be ignored, but I really think changing the way games are displayed on the platform would benefit serious hard-working developers. Adding memes, shameless clones and shit-posting to their own categories would give some hard-working developers a chance to get valuable feedback on their projects or even get revenue. It would also cleanup the top, recent or the popular pages from poorly made ''Games".
I get that separating quality content from the low effort “games” might not be a viable solution or might not be a solution at all. I do not know how your business runs. Therefore, I think that implementing strict moderation would improve the clutter situation on the platform. I really think that the platform could be a lot better by focusing on original quality content and ditching the anyone can post anything they want however they want approach. Is allowing users to post pong for the thousandth time good for the platform? Is allowing shameless clones of big games like Fall Guys or allowing users to use Sponge Bob, Star Wars, or other established IP's any good? Is that what Itch is about? Cause maybe I do not get it. If I am wrong, please let me know.
I wish you a very pleasant evening,