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I'm puzzled... I really want to play, the minimalistic look got me already, but I really have no idea what I can do to change screen, I think I've tried every possible direction, I'm obviously missing something here... Controls says to use the arrow keys, so I understand I can only go up-down and left-right. Yet all I can do is climb to the tree, go down, go closer to the house in the centre, and then look through the window of the house on the right and go inside it to talk to the two guys that chose to live there xD Please, help me, what am I missing??


"The world is a piece of land, where to find what you want, you have to scratch the ground patiently without guaranteed success."

Lao She

Ouch! This time I chose to play like Lao She xD Thanks for the hint. I made it to the mountain, but I found two time related items that remain unused... Maybe Lao She has more wisdom to share? Haha, sorry for being so clumsy!


In this game items only work as basic "keys" to the next screen. Anything else is exploration of your surroundings. Thank you for playing!