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(1 edit)

I was surprised by how much i enjoyed this game, the story drew me in and it reminds me of the old nostalgic RPG-esq games i used to play. 

Im really looking forwards to the full release and am excited to see what you do with it.

That being said, it is a little rough and lacks polish, the text kept lagging for some unknown reason, as well as having a few problems with the grammar (Which is to be expected and not that big a issue for me personally) and it ran a bit janky during combat at times.

All in all, its been a long time since ive been so excited about what a game has to offer


Hello thank you for your feedback! We are very happy that you enjoyed our game! We do our best and hope you will like our finished game too!

Do you have any idea when the full release will be? 


We want to release the game in 2023 :) We are taking our time to deliver a bug-free and working version.