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Well the game did run for me this time, but I'm afraid I did not find it particularly playable. 

Firstly, most of the time when I clicked with the mouse, I was put out of the window, indeed the game does not seem to be capturing mouse input at all, and since (like most blind people), I use the mouse rarely, this wasn't particularly useful. 

However, I used NVDA, my screen reader to route the mouse curser to the window, and emulate mouse clicks which did let me shoot. 

This meant I could hear zombies and fire, however nothing seemed to happen. 

I could shoot left and shoot right, but only ever heard zombies on the left, and however much I shot, nothing seemed to change, I just heard the same zombie grones. 

might I suggest considering either keyboard control, or, if the mouse is used to turn or whatever, maybe having the game more readily capture mouse movement, since honestly it was hard even to click the buttons without going out of the window (hence why I used mouse emulation).

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