Hi, thanks for adding image. If it's not too much to ask, is it possible to have a background color different than the black in the monster? I'm having trouble removing black background because it will remove the black part of the monster also.
Thanks. I have a top down zelda style perspective (2.5D). I was thinking of having it as some sort of animated statue in a forest setting. If the background was a different color, then I could remove it without removing the black part of the animation (by exporting it as a sprite sheet and then simply removing the color from the entire strip). Since there are numerous frames, it's nearly impossible to remove the background for each individual frame, and removing the black from all frames exported removes the black part of the creature as well. I assume that the background color is something easily changed in your files so that it's different color than any color that's part of the actual creature???
sure thing, I made a gif of it already but I want to just wait until the voting period for the jam is over because there's a black and white 'limitation' so I didn't want there to be a coloured image just yet. However if you didn't wish to wait I updated the installation instructions so you can do it yourself. If you can wait for another 14 hours or so, Ill upload the picture :), sorry about the wait.
I uploaded a new gif, it has a lime green background so should be easy enough to remove now? :). The software sometimes still causes little holes in the model so if you see that in any of the frames, replacing it with black will probably be a good choice haha.
Hope it is what you were hoping for, let me know!