Really enjoyed the environment art -- I'm super impressed that you made all those assets in the jam period. The cutscenes were interesting and well-framed. The lighting and texturing was great too.
For the audio, I'm not sure if this was purposeful, but I like how the mech played different tones during movement and sort of made a randomized song out of it. It definitely helped give it character.
The level design was fun -- I was always excited to explore the new rooms I discovered. The pillar levels reminded me of an old Crash Bandicoot level where you hop between pillars that are falling.
The only thing I felt was a bit lacking was the shooting particles and sounds. Given how polished the rest of the game was, this stood out to me. Including some thumpy gunshot sounds and more realistic particle effects would help make the fighting more visually interesting. But since the game was more focused on exploration than combat, I don't think this took much away from the visuals overall.
Awesome job! This definitely felt like a cohesive experience which is impressive for 2 weeks of dev time :)