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(1 edit)

Hello! Is this the linux build that's giving you these errors? Are you using Archlinux?

Yes, it is the linux build that's giving these errors. I am using Manjaro, which is built on Arch. Do you have any suggestions?

(1 edit)

This seems like a specific fontconfig error - I found something that might be this, but I'll need to check again first - Were the previous builds of this game working for you? Did you upgrade your Linux to a higher version recently? I've been using a 1.6.2 version of this game system this whole time, so I need to check if it might be a compatibility issue

I am running whatever is LTS as far as the kernel and base progs, and on the launcher it is currently 25.4.1, butler is 15.20.0, and the itch setup is 1.26.0.  I hadn’t tried a version of your game prior on my Linux box because it was working on Firefox for my iPhone. I do however have the V0.0.9 of your game, if I can load it into the launcher and see if it works? If not that site you referenced does suggest a fix, which I may try as well.

That would be great, thank you! If 09 works, then it's likely a required Linux update on your end, as I haven't used any new versions for the system since

I will try those tomorrow and see how it goes. I’m really looking forward to seeing the extent of the game, since I love RPGs in general. If mobile browsers didn’t like to fail on me after a couple hours of gameplay I’d have likely not run into this issue. Resetting my progress after 2 hours of grinding/gameplay is never on the top of the list.