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I personally absolutely LOVE this mini, and I'd love to see more like it (I'd send some cash your way myself to keep them coming if I had any to spare). Margarita is adorable AND sexy, two of my favorite things, I'd love to see more with her. More content of the characters in general really, but I'll take what I can get while I'm trying to get to a point where I can afford to support with money instead of just my words.


Verbal support is appreciated too!

Though, if you want to do something to help without spending any money, you can consider wishlisting the upcoming Amaryllis Episode on Steam. Even if you never actually buy it, more wishlists boosts our position in the recommendation algorithm so it's very helpful for getting the word out.

I added it to my wishlist! also shared this a couple of the Discords I am in....because your works are awesome!


Already done, and hopefully I'll have my finances in a better place by the time it releases.