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A member registered Feb 27, 2020

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Really sucks to hear that your wife git let go, especially with a good track record. I wish I could help, but until further notice, my own stuff is on under hiatus for support. I hope you both come through this this well! Looking forward to the next updates when you can release them.

Wow.. this is.. very deep. As someone dealing with my own anxiety and depression, I feel this. Thanks for sharing the lyrics. Will be listening to it thoughtfully...

Congratulations on three years! Really happy that you are still going strong! Looking forward to giving this a run once I've played through the original version! It will be fun to compare them! 

*pfft* That's my fav little fairy! Already reading my mind! Best partner ever! Sending her some extra special "sprinkles"! :3

Thanks for five amazing years of this game! Give Pixie some ice cream from me!

Dude, you wrote books, this vn, AND you do music?! All of which I have enjoyed immensely I might add! That's some talent my friend! Looking forward to a fresh playthrough of everything and the rewrite! Keep up the amazing work!I believe in you!

sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself, and when you feel like you are to create again, that's great! Until then, know that there are a lot of people wishing you well, and who hope that you are able to find some peace within.

You aren't the first Dev I know who has lost someone, and won't be the last, and I will always say the same: Take the time to grieve. A game is not worth more than the time YOU need to find some peace after losing someone. When you are feeling ready to work on things again, great! Until then, take the time you need. Take care of yourself, and we'll see you when you come back! My condolences to you on your loss.



Take care of yourself Fire. I've said it in a few places: Life is what happens when you make plans. Life has certainly happened to you! Still sorting things out for myself, but hoping to eventually get back to supporting again, because I know you have created some great games, and I want to get back to it, and I see this stuff on here, and remember from time on the Discord.

Haven't played in a few updates (2.3 was last I played, but this new fishing game, it sucks. The speed is high and leaves little to no room for catching anything. The previous style worked well. It's the only issue I am having currently. As long as nothing requires fishes, shouldn't be to much of an issue going forward. 

Congrats on 4 Years Arc! How time flies huh?! I can still remember playing through and waiting for each part of the first chapter, and here we are into the third as well as 4th year! Keep up the great work, and give Pixie some more ice cream!

As someone who has known you for a while (supported from the beginning of Serenity until I had to drop at the beginning of the year because of my own stuff), I am aware of your work ethic, and as someone who deals with PTSD along with the Depression that comes with it, I can understand how it can come out of nowhere and just slam you down faster than you expected. I have also seen it hitting a lot of people with no experience dealing with it due to Covid among other things. Taking it slow helps, I know from experience. Meds of any sort is an extreme reaction, and glad you didn't go that route. Knowing what that does, glad nobody ever suggested that for me. Take care of yourself, there's only one Fiery!

Glad to hear the good news about having a new place, move and all the rest, so massive snoopy happy dance going on for ya! Finances are in a better space for me, so looking to get back to being a supporter once June starts up!  Here's to the future of WCA! Oh, and I joined back into the Discord under the new name of Scott Wulf as my old account got turfed... but I digress...

He is a lone dev.  He released 3 versions within the first year of it's release, all of them being just the prologue, which is a very good prologue all in all, but we are now getting this winter special almost 2 and a half years later, after promises of a full Chapter 1, which even in the opening portion of this special he mentions only part of it will be released. If I was a cow, my teets would be hurting... thankfully, I'm not.

Wow! Talk about a kick in the pants in the dark! Not very cool. I wonder if they realize that such sudden and abrupt business model switching can hit them harder than the Devs that they pull this on... Just my humble opinion... Greed is an ugly thing...

we are only getting a mini update, winter season special. The actual episode 1... You'll have to ask Komi, and he's keeping the date under wraps, and has been for quite a while,  All I can say is: It must be nice to make $5.6K a month....

I'm looking forward to it!

Which will be the first actual release in over 2 years. The last release for HHG, 0.1.2 was released in '20, so it's nice to see we are finally getting something after 2 and a half years.

Nice, Public release on my Birthday! Very solid win! Easy bit of a wait for me! Looking forward to it!

Life's what happens when you make plans is something I like to say. Shit happens is another.  I'm glad to hear you are doing better, never be afraid to admit when you need to take care of yourself! There is already to big of a stigma around men in general admitting when we have issues, and the impact is insane. It's why I have a zero-fucks attitude on people feeling the need to apologize for explaining what they are going through: Just let people know, and if they get butthurt, that's not your issue to apologize for!

That rant is done. Thanks for the update! This is the only place I can get the info due to finance stuff, and recently my discord getting shut due to inactivity... Looking forward to more news, and Second season starting when it does!

Sin, we've known each other a bit since you started releasing this, and though I have taken a step back from support (you know why), I fully support ya man. Do what YOU need to do, something you have heard from me before, and don't worry, you aren't the only Dev I know of who has gone through, is going through, something. Take the time you need, release what You can, when You can, and know that there are plenty of us got your back! Thanks for your Service, not just as a Dev, but in the Military!

Damn! That's quite the can of worms ya opened up there! I really hope that you are able to get some of it situated enough to have SOME semblance of calm! Take your time, and when you get back to it, you do! Until then, will be rooting for ya buddy!

Take your time Ark! This is a pretty big and ambitious system you are plugging into your builds, and if takes a bit longer to get it just right, take the time you need! You've been chugging away and popping this out on the weekly for HOW MANY YEARS NOW?! Now you are in the final stages of your story, really revving things up, adding some really cool new stuff, and it's gonna take a bit longer... I think we can patiently wait! Keep up the awesome work, and don't let the Eldritch eat you in the process Bro!

Yes! Looking forward to the new content! Thanks as always for this wonderful game Carib!

Looking forward to Friday!

Happy Birthday Kiddle! Just some light jest from a guy turning 49 this May! Have an awesome day, and keep up the great work! Remember, no matter where you go, there you are!

Yeah, it just wasn't showing up when I was looking earlier, no download links.  Fine now,  so no problems.

So, was this just news, or was there supposed to be links for downloading here? Just a bit confused...

LOL!!! Smart arse! Funny guy! Points for funny shite!

Awesome! Was looking forward to the next release! Thanks!


Yes, counting them all up IS totally worth it! Yes, it does make you a Hero! Yes, that might be a little Sarcasm and Humor, but all in good fun, and Congrats on One Year my good sir!

Well, looks like I will have to give 1.1 a try...just to see what fixes are in far so good though.