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Enjoyment:  The source of my enjoyment from this title came from 2 things.  1, and the MVP, is the tongue trailing around like no ones business.  2. Bouncing in succession on the turtles was really fun.  What hampered on this enjoyment was that the turtles would not spawn fast enough, and enough frequency for me to pull off mad combos.. and that there was no combo meter recognizing how sick i was at multi-turtle bouncing.  To make that more enjoyable, I think something as simple as the floor is lava approach, where you die when you hit it, and make the turtles come from both sides at a rate that let's u sustain that combo. 

Concept:  The concept seemed kinda confusing, but i guess that was the point?  Why would a frog that has a natural jumping ability, use a jetpack, and then seemingly not actually use it for anything specific.  If he was able to control his initial jump in the air to adjust it, and you saw some effects for that it would have been cool.  Btw, i liked that the jetpack told you when u had another jump.

Presentation: The lil transition you do at the beginning where the frog hops down is slick & charming.  The tongue physics is an instant winner in my book.  All-in-all, the graphics were cute, but that level of polish you gave the frog should be carried across to the turtles as well, they looked too barren.

Use of Limitaton:  I mean it was one little patch of dirt, think it served the purpose but nothing innovative.

(1 edit)

the turtles I actually decided to call walking mushrooms because who nows why and ya I see your point on them coming from both sides and will try to implement it as well as making them spawn faster