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A member registered Jul 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Glad you enjoyed it.  If this would evolve into anything more it probably would just keep getting more and more interesting levels with new mechanics thrown in, new environments and a more fleshed out and absurd story.  Could be cool to revisit someday

Wow, such a solid game, didn't get a super high score like some of the rest of the folks, but I was really into it for the time that I did.

I thought the entirety of the game design and visuals was communicated well, and the gameplay loop was really addicting.  You have a really solid base for something here, even as a game jam game, it is wonderful and deserves more love.

Great job!

Would appreciate you checking mine out as well if/when you have a moment :)

Rediculously solid game.  Doesn't feel like it was made for a game-jam at all, so well made, the sound effects, visuals and gameplay all feel professional quality (as far as indie games go).  

Well done!

most gorgeous horse experience, I cried emotions of glue infused lust, thank for this therapeutic experience

Awesome idea, really nice mechanics that work together quite well.  The chain physics is phenomenal, the fact you can actually get stuck cause of a tree is sick (first time i was ever hype about this feature in a game lol).  Also once I realized the other creatures react to my movement, the entire open-world esque environment became a neat little problem/puzzle to solve.  I thought the implementation of this was quite smart and well done.

Art is incredible obviously, if it was actually done from scratch that is mindblowing you got all that done so quickly & so well.  

I feel like some communication for when you can't seem to move cause of the rope would go a long way to stopping people from getting frustrated. I got annoyed at it cause i didn't see it very well when it got stuck somewhere or just simply when it was stopping me from moving away from my partner, didn't seem to make sense as the chain was still perceptibly loose.

Fantasticly put together game, def in the top of this jam.

Would be cool if you had some time to check out ours as well, n share some thoughts if/when u have a moment :)

Such a strange little game, I found it difficult to wrap my head around at first, but overtime my neurons fired in synchronicity to the madness this game creates by merging jigsaw / tower defense.

As far as I can tell though, this is purely defensive?  It feels like I'm making a jigsaw barricade, more than I am building towers that provide any kind of strategic offense.  Nothing wrong with that,  could be cool to just simply call it a defense game, haven't heard of many games that focus on defense really.

It was a bold move to try this, so I am giving you max originality. It was decently fun, and the aesthetics are solid af, really love the menu screen especially, that waving effect wasn't lost on me, also idk why but the menu buttons felt so nice & snappy.  The game wasn't hard to wrap my head around even with minimal instructions so that says a lot for anything relatively complex.

Great job!

Would appreciate if you could check our game out, if/when you have a moment as well! :)

Shieeet is this some kind of variation on Ice Climbers but in first person where you swap peeps??

Honestly this is a cool ass idea, I just feel that the whole swapping character system doesn't work very well for what the game wants you to do, you constantly break momentum because you want to go fast.  I feel like the game would work a lot better as two players that have a tether that pull one another around the map, similar to ice climbers.. Or you focus on making it more puzzle heavy, and try to lean on what the rope could do, even if it just does restrict one another.  Maybe making it more physics driven with a real rope would help this game have a lot more going for it.

At present though, I did have fun, and got a fairly good score.  It was put together well, the music was nice, I like that the tutorial was just text at the start, it was minimalistic but worked well.

Great job!

Would really appreciate your feedback on ours as well, if/when u have a chance! :)

This is like node-based baba is you and I really like that about it.

Everything worked well, I was able to beat the game, I just wished there was more levels that made me really think, because all of them were VERY easy to beat.

the execution of the game was solid, I had fun playing it, it was fun to switch connections in realtime depending on my needs, it made the game very frantic.  

Wonderful lil game with a ton of potential, great job.

Would appreciate you checking out ours and giving some of your thoughts when you have a chance as well :)

Damn man, you did a great job on this.  The menu screen really doesn't look like this game was gonna be cool, but once you start playing it you can see the work that went in to make this what it is.  It was awesome that i could grab the other enemies and physically attach them to myself to use them as my resource to augment my attack.  What a wonderful idea.. Lots of potential there that you could explore!

Great game, had a bunch of fun playing it!

Would be cool if you could try mine as well if you have a moment to spare, share some thoughts & whatnot :)

Shishkabobberting some flies was strangely satisfying, I enjoyed playing through it, obviously there wasn't that much to it other than that, but once I realized that you get combos by getting larger skewers of them, it became more challenging and fun.  

I think you should show the score reward everytime you nail some to the wall, so people can see how they can get better & get more score.  Potentially making it level based as well so that you can play in a different arena, and see it covered in skewered flies, especially if you can try to aim them in a specific direction to add them to a pre-existing skewer for more points.

It was a good and original idea, I enjoyed playing through, gave me flashbacks of the half life crossbow gun.

Great job!

Would appreciate you taking a gander at ours as well & sharing ur thoughts if you have a moment :)

Got to lvl 13 before being swarmed by a million of those speedy green balls.

Loved every moment of it though, I kept finding out new things about the mechanics, like the way you can overheat a coil and cause it to explode, but doing that also makes it so that you lose a coil in that area that you were using, so you have to be strategic.  The fact that you have so many different upgrades & stuff was really unexpected and really awesome.  

I think if someone asks me if they can make good games but have no art knowledge, I'd send them this.  This game is so chalk full of good ideas, that your presentation would just need a bit of work and it'd be a really good game.  Presentation isn't as hard as people say either, you could invest some cash if you wanted and have something looking pretty great within a week, finding a good game-loop requires intuition, knowledge n a bit of a luck.

Great game over-all, you should be up there in the top 100 tbh.

Would appreciate you giving ours a looksie n sharing thoughts/rating as well :)

Damn dude, I played this for an ungodly amount of time.  With more interesting components, potentially more accurate collection system (like picking up n dragging with a mouse), it could be a really strategic and interesting almost roguelike experience.  

The presentation obviously is lacking quite a lot, but it does communicate about as much as it needs for it to be understood and be fun.  

Based on the amount of time I played, I clearly was having a lot of fun, really like this game, thanks for making it!

Would really appreciate your thoughts on ours as well, if you have a moment! :)

Agree with Comsalsa, no one else did anything close to this in this jam, so I'm giving you a perfect originality score.  It was a really clever idea, and it was implemented in a really strange way that was suprising to see, even the fact that you seemingly didn't use an engine? 

Even if you did, doesn't matter, it was cool to play, felt like I had stretched my design muscles.

Only thing that I'd suggest is just to make it more readable as to what the goal of the game is, and how to play.  Looks like otherwise you're setup to make a lot of interesting levels here.

Great work!

Would be nice if you could check out our game as well if you have a chance :)

Holy shit this game has SO much character & flair.  This is incredible, it's clear your team has a really good eye for designing games, and just a good artistic eye.  I had a lot of fun rounding everything up, I love that the people groove, popping a bottle rounds them up and not to do it too much cause you'd piss yourself.  

I think you scoped just the right amount for this, it feels like a memorable experience that doesn't try to be too much more.  It kinda feels like Pac-Man with the people you pick-up being like Sonic's stars, maybe having a bunch more maps with new types of stuff to avoid would really turn this into something cool.  

Really fun, really well done, great job!

Would appreciate you taking a look at ours if you have a chance as well :)

Glad you had fun! 

That's also great to hear, exactly what I was going for :)

e d u m a c a t e d

haha, the graphics were pre-made by this one dude who does great asset packs on itch, let me know if u want the link.

I'm gonna flesh this out a bit more, and yeah that was my first thought, just make it hold LMB and release to retrieve, I think that'll be most natural, and then make it so you can throw a shuriken by pressing right click, with the jump-shuriken being a potential item you can get to toss all your shurikens out on hop.

Thanks for playing & giving good feedback, shitty that right click actually messes with the browser.. shouldn't be happening in an applet, what browser are you using?

Wow, criminally undercommented up in here.

This game was really well done, I thought the art was charming, the music reminded me of those Liziqi videos of that chinese lady making amazing food on youtube so it was an instant winner for me.  The gameplay was engaging, and had some really cool ideas with the moving platforms as a way to disconnect them in really neat ways.

Wonderfully put together, obviously there could be more polish in certain areas like effects and level transitions, but it doesn't matter a whole lot tbh.

Great job!

Would appreciate you checking out ours as well if you have a moment :)

I thought this whole thing was built close to a professional level for the time you had, especially having made all the artistic assets at the same time.  It's minimalist but effective & trying to get a better highscore was really fun to repeat.  Yet another game in this jam that looks like a finished mobile game lol.

Great work in total.

Would appreciate if you could check out mine as well if you have a chance 

Actually pretty mind blowing that you created everything that you did during this jam, especially if you did it solo.

The execution had a bit of issues, just felt like things could've been communicated better in-regards to if you've hit the transmitters, ability to move between different robots without pressing E over n over since that could require you do parts of the puzzle again, but all the different features & ideas you had in the game were working & were really interesting, particularly when you started introducing multi-floors, was really impressive.

Really fantastic work over-all, great job!

Would appreciate you checking out ours as well if you have a moment :) 

Everything about this is really well made.  Design to the execution, from gameplay, visuals to the sounds & music.

Wonderful job!

Would be great if you could share your thoughts on ours as well if u have a chance :)

I was deeply edumacated, and got a job teaching how to be cool @ hardvard, thanks punk

check out the one i made or get expelled poopbutt

Really great idea, lots of people did this two characters linked thing, but I think the theming and the way you worked that into a time mechanic was really clever.  The music was also banging, great track, moody and atmospheric.

My only point was that I wish this game was more grid-based than it was free, mainly because it came across very finicky to try to complete the levels, it required such high levels of precision often that I got really frustrated because of a pixel difference.  Bigger clearances would've helped too.

All-in-All I found this game really solidly built for the time you had especially.

Great job!

Would really appreciate your thoughts & rating on mine ours well if you have a chance.

Really well done platformer, thought the design & visuals of the game were top notch, the music was pretty good, and there were a lot of levels!  It would've been nice to have a little less friction on the characters so you can get sliding going in levels like Courier, as that was REALLY hard to pull off.

The idea & execution of the game was solid though, def one of the better games here.

Would love if you could share your thoughts & rate mine as well :)

Oh hmmm, try using either Microsoft Edge (I have the best luck with browser games with this) or Chrome?

Yeah I don't think the double jump to the shuriken blast is gonna stay a default feature.  I'm gonna revise it to be a hold left click to throw ball, release to reel back, and then make right click ur shuriken button, while making the double jump to throw all ur shurikens a power-up probably

Thanks a lot for playing, and glad you enjoyed playing around with the spike

Well you kinda can, the idea is that you control it after throwing with the right click, cause you can pull it towards you and do some really neat tricks.  Could  be a cool powerup to offer more control in the future though!

Glad you had fun !

Great to hear that you enjoyed that, it was a fun mechanic to put together for sure, but yeah it needs tweaking on it's speed & maybe even max distance

Yeah controls definitely need polish & love in general.  

Also sounds cool, I'll give yours a try after i get through the 25 i need to rate lol.

Yah it was actually inspired by Isaac & Risk of Rain for the items, I really wanna finish this and put it out since the gameloop is pretty solid at the moment.  

Thanks for the review!

Thanks a lot for the review, glad you enjoyed the game.

Didn't think about the fact that getting shurikens were balanced off of blocking bullets, but that is a main source of how you get ur bounces so it would recharge it faster.  Lol, sometimes you get free stuff from the mechanics intermingling.  Also pulling your thing back can also be a click, it really just depends on the speed.  I think I'll adjust the gameplay so that you actually just hold left click to pull it out and release to have it reel back in, that way I can make right click throw the shurikens in singles as a default, with the hop-shotgun being an upgrade.

Invincibility frames was a must, you can die immediately otherwise in the harder levels.  Feels really sudden.  Thanks for the suggestion.

The training zone was good but we definitely should've considered putting better level scaling as a whole, which would have needed more levels to make it feel convincing.  Glad that the amount of level variety that was present was enough though.

Ah good catch on the font, I'll deal with the readability there immediately, probably make the text take up a portion of the screen so u can see it better anyways.

Yeah the wood blocks were not supposed to be rendering on top of things, and they were supposed to be breakable.  They were mainly just for show as they break immediately and don't actually hinder anything.. Hmm, maybe the shurikens would be blocked by wood but the spike goes straight through it, that would be neat.

Also really sorry about escape key, I needed to implement a way to go back to main menu and just re-used the death screen :(

Glad you enjoyed it over-all, and the wall-surf ceiling-hop was not intended really, but maybe now I'll consider implementing something like it, or even an upgrade that let's you do that kind of surfing.

Ya I had a ton of different ideas for how to make the Shurikens work in the end, but the bullets blocking other bullets came free so i just left it :P

Yeah definitely need to work out some of the mechanics, glad you had fun though, that's the most important part :)

This game is very original, and love the theming around the mechanic, thought everything came together well, levels were well constructed and the music was fun to listen to, while having cute sound effects playing.

Really well done, great job.

Would appreciate your thoughts on mine as well if you have a chance :)

This game is very original, and love the theming around the mechanic, thought everything came together well, levels were well constructed and the music was fun to listen to, while having cute sound effects playing.

Really well done, great job.

Would appreciate your thoughts on mine as well if you have a chance :)

I thought everything about this was really cool & original, really great implementation and awesome & original idea of having a sort of tower defense but on a moving train.

I think if you were to go forward with this idea, the map should be an actual circuit that maybe you could modify or is just what the "level" is, and when you kill enemies, they have a chance of dropping pieces or you can just outright buy it at a station that the train gets to.

Anyways, great job!  

Would appreciate your thoughts on ours as well!

Wow this was such a smart little idea, all it needs is more levels.  Would be cool on the phone using gyro especially.  Also would have been more interesting/challenging if different coloured balls needed to go to different places, among other possible mechanics.

Great job, would really appreciate you taking some time to give your thoughts on ours as well!

Pretty enjoyable little physics puzzler, I like tossing my head, and the light mechanic was definitely interesting, though could've been used more effectively in sections.  Like the second level, I can't actually see far enough with it to notice that there's a switch I'm supposed to flip.  That's just a small thing, the gameplay is solid.

Thanks for playing, would appreciate you sharing your thoughts on ours as well!