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Enjoyment: I quite enjoyed being this little dart frog.  I thought the story was endearing, the plight of the dart frog was something I personally can relate to so it made my experience that much more immersive.  The gameplay is simplistic but difficult, definitely one of those precision based platformers.  I think the controls COULD be more lenient when it comes to the control of the dart in-mid air, but idk, the design of this requires you to be intentional when firing yourself out.  Nothing got in the way of my enjoyment of this game overly so, I thought all around once I accepted that being a dart was a curse, not a blessing, I better connected to the character through the controls.  I felt like the main issue was that the map design kind of felt like the difficulty ramped up too fast, which is nothing too surprising when it comes to jam games.  Could do with making the map a little longer with smaller sections that put your skills to the test gradually, as well as some better direction as I got lost often.

Concept: This is A1, great and strange, charming concept.  Good shit, nothing to complain about, I guess it would be cool to have that story expanded on and maybe shown in the game, like if you started as a regular hopping frog with great control, then got cursed and you noticed how hard the controls became to do the same things he did before, to have you connect to that regret that came from the needful-things-like premise.

Presentation: I'm a bit of a sucker for games made in Pico8.. everything just looks so tiny, cute & charming.  It wins purely due to nostalgia & cute factor.  I liked the way the gems were displayed at the end too, something about that grid was mysterious, made me wanna try again to fill it in more.

Use of Limitation: I mean having one single world is a good'n, but I didn't see anything that interesting here in that regard.  The limitation was respected, but not used as a springboard into anything fresh.