A good game so far with an attribute system that doesn't always know what it's doing. The automatic attribute checks are all over the place, mainly on the Submissive or Badass paths. The Hero path seems to be its own thing. No matter the stats Luna is a Hero
Of the 3 paths I find the Badass path the most interesting. It's a shame Luna can't be an Incorruptible Badass; in the vain of Batman or Rendel, (that would awesome) but that's wishful thinking lol.
The Submission path is beautifully done.
The Hero path is my least favorite as it makes Luna too vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Perhaps you are going for the Tragic Hero route; a Hero based on self sacrifice, which is a valid path and could be quite interesting to follow.
A small pet peeve; Refusing to rat out the cops should not be seen as an act of submission. We already know she doesn't fear the cops and she doesn't trust the Feds (the authority) It is an open act of defiance. If anything, it should just be a neutral option.
Looking forward to future updates.