Hey bobfox! It's been a while! Dude, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed review! I'm really happy that a lot of the feedback is positive. If only I understood how to market the game better :/, but I'm trying as much as my time allows. I'm not a native English speaker as well, so no problems at all haha!
1. I'm glad that the style registered well! I was worried that my style of pixel art was clunky but its good to see positive feedback. Will definitely try to find those games you mentioned! Btw, if you wanna know the style that inspired me, check AdamCYounis out. He is really helpful with all things pixel art.
2. Haha yeah, I had experience animating the main character in an RPG that I stopped working on a while ago, and it was painful. I'll draw art all day but I just feel so exhausted animating things.
3. This is me being a doofus. I had the music slider in my trello board, but I skipped over it *facepalm*. Will be adding it to the next build.
4. The black fading screen has the animating scroll on it. I should do a better job of communicating the save status, I agree.
5. The dialogue skip/cancel has been implemented in the new build!
6. I've seen this is in a lot of games, but idk how I can make it work with yarn spinner (that's the dialogue engine I'm using). I'll definitely try this. Alternatively, in the new build, all visited dialogue nodes have the skip button enabled, so maybe that would help?
This is perfect timing, because the new chapter is coming out in these couple of weeks! Btw, I use Aseprite for all the art and animation. Really well worth it's price for pixel art. Thanks for the kind words once again! Take care and have a good one!