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Hello Seydie !

Here's some tips on jamming :
First, do not stress out ^^ see this as an opportunity to learn, not a competition. Take your time, and it's okay if you can't finish on time, we'll be glad to see your project coming out :)
Second, do not overthink your project, you can add features and polish further after the jam ;) Start simple, add features as you go and get used of your work cycle. Once you get more experience you'll get an instinct of what you have time to do or not.
Third, enjoy the moment ! It's as important as participating, do not overwork yourself and be at your own pace

If you ever need help on anything, we also have a Discord server ^^ we got some amazing members that'll gladly help you on anything, code, art, etc ^^

As jam-stories, one cool thing that happened to me is for my first jam, I randomly invited my brother (who's not specifically into making games) and we worked together. I coded everything and he got the level design in place (we used Godot Engine). We had a blast doing this, we got amazing memories of this. ^^

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It was a random event during vacations (we were both in within the same week) We never had the chance to do this again, due to this being from less than a year ago. The good thing is that I got a first approach on jams and now here I am ^^

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Wow thanks a lot for the tips, this definitely will help out! And that's such a sweet story,  are you planning to join more jams with your brother? I'll join the Discord server, that's a good idea :)