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A member registered Aug 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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A really cute game with a serious background (pollution of the seas) that offers an interesting interpretation of the theme, good job !

Great little game with some cinematic to keep the player's interest, it was a great idea !

I'm joining Quinadin on the camera zoom effect when attacking enemies, it's a bit tiresome for the eyes but I managed to get used to it.

I also really liked the musics, even if it wasn't yours, you managed to choose some well-fitting musics

Had to put down some notes in order to recognize materials ... still managed to fail, I guess I'm not made to be an alchemist :p

I like the approach you took for this game, it's dead simple but too clever at the same time ! I'm sure if you add some more features like a book presenting the potions and something like money to buy extra stuff like additional potions or a third glass (just giving random thoughts) you can get a nice little game !

A really interesting experience, seeing screenshots we first think that there are not many graphics in the game, but it's just false !

1. there are many full-size drawings telling the story and decorating the screen !

2. This kind of game actually needs to have its playfield simple enough so the player is not drowned by too much graphics ! I particularly liked the fact that the life bar on the left is duplicated on the player's sprite through the mask breaking.

Overall it's a difficult game but that's what it was meant to be. The concept is well put together and shows a nice little "bullet hell" feel.

It was a random event during vacations (we were both in within the same week) We never had the chance to do this again, due to this being from less than a year ago. The good thing is that I got a first approach on jams and now here I am ^^

Hello Seydie !

Here's some tips on jamming :
First, do not stress out ^^ see this as an opportunity to learn, not a competition. Take your time, and it's okay if you can't finish on time, we'll be glad to see your project coming out :)
Second, do not overthink your project, you can add features and polish further after the jam ;) Start simple, add features as you go and get used of your work cycle. Once you get more experience you'll get an instinct of what you have time to do or not.
Third, enjoy the moment ! It's as important as participating, do not overwork yourself and be at your own pace

If you ever need help on anything, we also have a Discord server ^^ we got some amazing members that'll gladly help you on anything, code, art, etc ^^

As jam-stories, one cool thing that happened to me is for my first jam, I randomly invited my brother (who's not specifically into making games) and we worked together. I coded everything and he got the level design in place (we used Godot Engine). We had a blast doing this, we got amazing memories of this. ^^

Your puzzles were well made, good job on this !
I can advise you that if you want your game to be played you can try out and comment other's games. People tend to play back your game in return ^^

I can't understand how nobody has commented your game yet, it's amazing ! I love this kind of games and really enjoyed it ! (I even replayed it several times)

The overall design is really well made and walking through the manual is really cool ! I would love to have a printable version of it.

The only tip I can give you for this game is to rewrite the manual with better explanations to avoid confusing the player with sometimes not well explained steps (e.g. the "Size" chapter). Converting planets name to code was a bit difficult (never got the Earth conversion working, strangely) but finding it myself gave me a more rewarding feel.

Really cool game and I'll definitely look over your other projects and the future ones !

I liked this game, the ambiance is really cool ! I believe this was your first 3D game (following your devlog about this jam) ? You've made a great job !

Thank you !

Thank you for your comment ! Our artist worked really hard to make these beautiful animations and worlds.

Thank you for your comment !
The deadline got too fast so we had to cut off the game early.

Also sadly don't expect any update of the game, our team couldn't agree to continue the game or not.
Sorry about that :/

Thank you ! We were quite short on time so we had to go with what we got at the end of the jam.

Thank you for your comment ! Sadly not everybody on the team wanted to continue the game past this release :/ so don't expect any update
Sorry about this

The concept is very unique and I love the way it's implemented. Somehow the watermark voice fits well with the music :D

Nice Godot game, good job !

interesting gameplay, the graphics are nice and the sound effects and music add a nice touch to this game ! Good job !

This game got a lot of love ! The music and sound fits perfectly to the game, the effects are cool and polished, as well as the levels.

The only catch I got was getting used to the physics, like we need to move first before having some air momentum.

Nice work !

This game was certainly from a different planet ! I liked the main concept, like dragging the Eatopians around felt like a strategy / puzzle game. The music was mysterious and gave a good atmosphere to the game. Good job !

I liked this game ! The art style is charming, with the clouds gimmick that hides the enemies. The patterns are interesting and we got a strong replay value. I didn't get far because shoot'em up are not my cup of tea, but I recognize that there was a lot of work and polishing made into this game. Good job !

Here are some thoughts about how to improve your game, don't take it as flaws but just advice on how to make your game feel more polished :
- Autofire : besides preventing the destruction of the player's spacebar, it's also a good way to give more accessibility to your game for disabled players.
- Sound Balancing : The fire sound effect is like repeated many times. I suggest you to just decrease the volume to give more room for the music and other sound effects.
- Add more ambient sounds : Like some wind sound effect from time to time, like when clouds pass by
- More sound effects for enemies : Like when the regular enemy fires at you, or a distinct sound for specific stronger enemies.

I liked the concept ! I'm interested in how you made the effect when you press P.

Adding a background music and some sound effects may contribute to make your game even better ! If you don't know where to find some musics I suggest you to take a look at Kevin MacLeod for example. For the sound effect you can find free tools to generate sounds like bfxr.

By the way, the game runs fine on Firefox, maybe level loading was a little bit long but we can't do much with web builds ;)

Good job !

(1 edit)

Thank you ! We really appreciate that you enjoyed our game !

Thank you for your feedback ! A knocking door sound effect was planned at some point but went forgotten until the end of the jam. We placed a dialogue as a sort of replacement.

Thank you for your kind comment ! We are really glad that you loved our game. I can't tell how much your comments (of all of you) made our day. Thank you ! ^^

Thank you for your video ! We really appreciates that you enjoyed playing our game :) seeing someone else discover our game is always interesting, like the fact that you scared right away the Dracula kid ^^

Good luck playing the 54 remaining games !

Nice game, the candy explosion are great and we don't even talk about our spaceship's explosion, it's really well made ! :)

The enemy patterns are predictable, they are also clearly visible by contrasting their colors with the background, good job !

I would leave just a little game design tip (though I'm not an expert at all) : Since we need to keep the spacebar pressed in order to shoot, and there is no penalty when shooting indefinitely, I suggest you to put an option to auto-shoot without the need of pressing anything. It's quite convenient for disabled players for example.

Thank you ! We are really happy that you liked our game ^^

I loved this game, it contrasts highly with the rest of the games made for this jam ^^

The artworks made me think of the game Don't Starve and it wonderfully suits the horror feeling of the game !

It was me or our character moves faster diagonally ? I figured out that I can escape the enemy faster this way.

A nice game with some nice art. I liked when the light turned off, it made the game a little scarier :)

Woah, this game is truly awesome ! It's honestly not that far from being a true commercial game ! I loved every second of it

This game made me think of one of Rayman's levels where we have to climb the level as fast as possible before the water reach us. The player's sprite is nicely animated ! I couldn't get far enough to see the enemies sadly, but good job ! :)

Also, I found a bug with the wall jumps : wall-jumping multiple times quickly messes up our player's lateral velocity, he's shaking for some time right after the jumps.

The way the world is designed using pictures gives charm to this game. The player has full air control so the game is really easy, in a way the gameplay is not frustrating at all :)

I would like to see more ^^

I liked the game's arts, it's also quite difficult. I found out that we can move a block while standing on it and remove the block from our feet, just to see us floating ^^

Fun and addictive game, I love it ^^

Thank you for your comment ! We're glad that you enjoyed the game. I agree with you about the inventory, we have the name displayed only when picking up but not after.

Hobb™ is a private joke from Beginner's Circle's Discord Server where somebody called "Hobb"(™) talked the same way as the character in the game. He also mentioned about crediting the puns so following the joke we put trademarks everywhere his name appear.

Thank you for your feedback ! I agree with you about the texts, we need to push further our English skills if we want to build a better dialogue-based game.

For the object placement, we were limited in time and couldn't draw more rooms (I was the improvised artist for the backgrounds) So we had to place the last puzzle into already existing rooms and used the real ghost to give hints to the player. The cage key is the most difficult object to find and it's totally my fault.

Again, thanks for your feedback ! Your comment is highly appreciated !

Thanks for your comment !

A secondary camera mode by locking the rotation would be a nice addition, I just didn't thought about that.