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COMPLETED THE GAME. Finally there's a duck!

But it wasn't very easy because of some Ducks bugs.

1. This game is cursed!! I just had to get 666 achievements after the game named me 'heretic'.

(If you mess with keys while interacting with the boat, it starts to increase achievements instead of money on interaction with bags (without removing them)).

2. while interacting with the 'shall not pass' sign, you still can use arrows to walk away. after that you can't remove the sign until you walk back blindly.

3. something with the coin bags. originally I think they gave 10 coins, but then they started to give 20. not sure why.

4. buttons on the right are totally not confusing. chalice one which is disabled (but it's not clear visually and there's no even any error sound) and the 'stop working' button which is of course the best button to press, especially in web.

5. trees are not interactive from the top, so the 'nOSE' challenge is little bit too inconvenient than it should be.

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Hey, thank you for playing and for such a detailed feedback! Unfortunately the developement for this one was a nightmare, with my pc crashing in the middle. Most of the game I made in the last nigh. 

1) HOW?! The holy church wants to know your location xD Seriously, I dont know how you did that and I couldnt replicate it at all! I cant even imagine what is the problem causing that bug!

2) I was aware of the 'you shall not pass' sign bug, you are the first to notice though. It is already fixed in the post jam version, I will upload it when I fix the othe ten thousand problems hahaha

3) The bags always gave you20coins, or at least they where supposed to?

4) The buttons of the right are like this because I ran out of time. The x is supposed to close the game in the windows build but take you to the menu in the web build (and it was supposed to pop a confirmation sign in both cases). The achievemnts button was supposed to be always active but with the achievements reading "???: ???" and when you pay the duck he would give you all the clues. One again I couldnt implement the system that turns the ??? into the text for each achievemnt you get in time :(

5) I didnt even think of interacting with the trees from above, I was sleepy maybe. That should be a really easy fix, I will do it later today.

Thanks again for the feedback, it helps a lot! If you can remember how you did the boat glitch please tell me cause its driving me insane :D Also, I added the duck just for you sorry it was in the most broken game hahaha

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1. Like a true heretic, you need to explore counterclockwise and go to the right bridge first. then you will be able to have exactly 0 coins after opening the left bridge. probably that's the condition to reproduce it. 

3. Ok, probably I wasn't paying attention initially, and then Got overly suspicious after finding the bug 1.  like... 20. why 20? that's a double of 10. must be some kind of heresy.

Thanks for the duck, I was really happy to find it finally.

it's impressive that you've managed to participate an complete a game with lack of time and crashing pc. that's the level of dedication required to thrive in gamedev.