Hey, thank you for playing and for such a detailed feedback! Unfortunately the developement for this one was a nightmare, with my pc crashing in the middle. Most of the game I made in the last nigh.
1) HOW?! The holy church wants to know your location xD Seriously, I dont know how you did that and I couldnt replicate it at all! I cant even imagine what is the problem causing that bug!
2) I was aware of the 'you shall not pass' sign bug, you are the first to notice though. It is already fixed in the post jam version, I will upload it when I fix the othe ten thousand problems hahaha
3) The bags always gave you20coins, or at least they where supposed to?
4) The buttons of the right are like this because I ran out of time. The x is supposed to close the game in the windows build but take you to the menu in the web build (and it was supposed to pop a confirmation sign in both cases). The achievemnts button was supposed to be always active but with the achievements reading "???: ???" and when you pay the duck he would give you all the clues. One again I couldnt implement the system that turns the ??? into the text for each achievemnt you get in time :(
5) I didnt even think of interacting with the trees from above, I was sleepy maybe. That should be a really easy fix, I will do it later today.
Thanks again for the feedback, it helps a lot! If you can remember how you did the boat glitch please tell me cause its driving me insane :D Also, I added the duck just for you sorry it was in the most broken game hahaha