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The art is great and the sounds are fun - especially the soundtrack. The gameplay is kinda unbalanced. It works well enough and controls feel good - I love that you use WASD and Arrows for shooting , but: the real weakness is the pacing. It's quite samey for most of the times till it gets impossible at the end.

Maybe that's just me since I spend so much time balancing a similar game (Smoke and Light) a few jams ago... mine was kinda dull in all areas where your game shines but yours could've been so much better if the pacing was improved.

It's just nitpicking I think - you guys did a great job, showing off how much you can archieve in a short amount of time with a team - good job!


I tried Smoke and Light (690 :p).

You're totally right ! We are working on a V2 this week and may be next week too, and we'll try to put it on the Play Store for free.

We're going to improve the difficulty curve and add some ideas :)

Thanks for playing :D