First of all, thank you very much for giving us this glorious, yet painfully short game. Games as an art are such a rarity these days around, in this age of games as services. I've enjoyed Symphonia a lot. I hope, you will bring us more games like this one. Or maybe even a sequel?
I've also came here to mention that I've made myself a quick fix for controls, which I intend to share. Since I do not own a proper gamepad, I've made a really simple 6-lines long AutoHotKey script which enables any WASD-keyboard to properly control the game. Using it is a tad bit easier than swapping language in Windows settings.
So, if anyone still want to play (or maybe re-play) this game, here's my script:
Obviously, you need to download AutoHotKey in order to use it:
Other than that, everything is simple - just click and play. Hopefully, it will help somebody to enjoy this little masterpiece.
Have a good one!