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If there's any takeaway here, it's that a cover image for your game will make more people click, good or bad. Playing this game I though another worm game, but this actually has an interesting twist on it, become big enough so you can surround your body with the purple bricks and eat your tail! As much as the physics look good in creating a spherical body for the worm, the way some of the pieces in your body stray behind or suffocate you kinda takes away some of the fun. And why not go smaller and not make the player wrap themselves around purple bricks, and make it if they are able to bite their own tail? You can keep the purple bricks idea, but then at least make sure the body can't suffocate you and spiders don't puppy guard the bricks. And put more leaf spawns in the levels, so we're not just rotating between the 2 or 3 leaves with a lazy camera following behind. You've got a really good idea here, keep it up!