June Update:
Synthetic Dreams was released on the Winter Solstice. Normally falling on the 21st of December, but last year, the 22nd ~~~ The Summer Solstice occurred on June 20th.
Last month I spoke of "A New Chapter" a major component of that was Immersive Entertainment (a startup I'm involved with) getting office space in an incubator!
*redacted. image of office for patrons only*
Those are all our desks on the left + plenty of room to set up the vive.
There are other "factors" to this new chapter which I hope to share in the near future.
For the unreal engine May jam I made a vive game about doing bodyweight squats
I had in my head a vision for what I wanted the final "product" to be. I was able to execute toward that product, and once there: reflect on how the current state compares to that of my vision.
With Synthetic Dreams that final vision - that forward vector - is cloudy.
Maybe it's not about What I'm making... but more about Why I'm making it.
I showed an old friend "ABOUT" . And felt a renewed shimmer of purpose.
So, I ask myself WHY
1 To create a universe (to express myself through my writing (characters / monologues))
2. To further my knowledge and mastery of Unreal Engine / VR techniques
3. To create a timeless work of art (My Walden)