Nice concept…. The controls were unique and it was fun to play with… The tadpole level aesthetics were very pleasant…
Couple of Pointers:
Game Feel : The sudden change from tadpole to frog felt rather abrupt and it felt like 2 different games merged together… I really thought in the 1st level on right side there is kinda an entry point looking thing, so the tadpole could have gone from there and emerged into this new world… Even though this violates the One Level Condition, it still makes it continuous…
Game Juice : Some particle effects would have been great, alongwith some sfx…
Improvements : The charging could take less time, and a predictable path(you know like you have in the arrow games showing where your arrow is gonna land) for the frog in 2nd level would be good additions…
Nice concepts… Keep it up… Would love if you play mine :)