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Wow, super interesting concept! Even with the faster movement (and noticing I could double jump? at least sometimes?) I found it tricky to stay on the snakeplatforms. I thought for a second I might be controlling one or more of the snakes as well as me--could be an interesting mechanic to play with--not direct control but maybe an occasional poll of what directions you're pressing? Anyway, I digress, but really, what you can tell from my ramblings is that this inspired me! Great work :)



Yeah, you can double jump and get an extra jump when you collect a bottle.

You have a little bit of control of the platforms because they won’t go up if you’re standing on the front piece (you block their collision). One of them also tries to get down to your level to avoid boring waiting time on the floor. But interaction is all indirect – no input reading.

Working that control more directly and visibly into the game sounds like an interesting direction for further developing the concept!