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The floaty mechanics are nice, I was able to feel in control the whole time to get my character to go where they were supposed to.  Very nicely done

The 'interact' option with switches and weapons were clear and intuitive. The weapons were fun! I just wish there was a 'fallback' weapon for when I run out of ammo. I was in a room and ran out of machine gun ammo, I wish I had a punch or short-range shotgun-like weapon to finish off the enemies.

I like the art style of the underwater scuba man, but I would polish some sprites and artwork a bit. Overall it's a great game that I had a lot of fun playing. Well done.

Regarding the weapons, the first weapon the player picks up is an ammoless melee weapon and the player can freely switch between up to 3 weapons using mouse wheel scroll or number keys. This is something a lot of new players have mentioned, so I probably need to make the ui more intuitive.

Thank you for playing!