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A member registered Mar 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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 Some of the boss attack patterns you were having trouble with were intended to be dealt with using the boost (right-click) which can reflect them. These bosses were intended to be fought later in a more fleshed-out campaign when the player was more familiarized with that tool.

Thank you so much for playing! I do miss the multiplayer stream days.

Really liked the art and setting of the game.

After resizing the window, the background image stayed the same size and was stuck in the upper left hand side of the screen. The window then automatically resized once the instructions dialog was over. (Playing on 720p using windows)

Movement feels a bit off and the difficulty made it harder to explore more of the setting which was the part of the game I was most interested in.

The fixed movement takes some getting used to. Not sure how the input buffering works, but it felt like some movement inputs made mid-step were sometimes cancelled and sometimes not. Sound or visual effects might make this feel better even without actual mechanical changes though.

Looking forwards to more story-focused updates!

Looks like a neat game but I think I ran into some bugs trying to play it. Going to settings and setting it to fullscreen caused the game to be excessively zoomed in. After restarting, the game window started off extremely small.

After resizing, I tried setting it to borderless and the game crashed. After reopening it, it gets stuck on a screen with just a white square on a black background.

Playing the windows version.

I accidentally started the game in german because I thought it was a character select instead of a language select before restarting.

Characters and writing were fun. Art was simple but nice and even though the game itself was simple, the systems and ui seem like they could support a more complicated and in-depth game.

Maybe there could be an warning for dialog choices that complete the story. Some kind of indication over interactable elements would be nice too.

Fun game, especially when you have people to play it with. Tons of qol and art improvements since last time I played. being insta-killed by getting bounced around was frustrating at first, but once I got used to the physics and damage mitigation vs avoidance, it was pretty fun and rewarding. Hopefully not too many players ragequit before reaching that point.

Would be nice to have something in-game or even on the game page to give info about some of the powerups. Its hard to tell what some of the more unique ones do the first time you see them.

Thanks for playing! This is primary a pvp deathmatch game (Against online players or bots). 

The laser sight is an interesting idea that I'll consider.

Sorry, I meant to reply some time ago after watching the recording, but must've closed the window without sending the message!

The main solo content in the game rn is playing the arena modes against bots. All the modes can be played with bots except for Survival and Boss battles (which are pve) and football.

Bot difficulty and number can be changed in the mode settings menu. Otherwise, a default number of bots are used according to the map size.

Thank you so much for sending me the recording; I now realize that the bots might not be clear since they are a relatively new addition. I'll highlight that feature more since it is the main part of the game for the foreseeable future.

The recent update was focused on reworking the netcode to improve the experience for laggy clients. Hoping to get some more content for solo players soon, though.

Thanks for playing and huge thanks for the recording!

I am partial to nautili. nudibranchs are pretty too.

Never played insaneaquarium but I enjoyed this game. It could really use some music and sfx.

The selection resets each time something is placed which makes it a little annoying to add 5 clownfish to my tank at once. Having a menu where every fish and plant can be viewed at once would be nice too.

Besides that, not much to say. Do you take fish requests?

  • I feel like the ui takes up too much space at the top of the screen. 
    • In particular, the blue interaction hexagon; could this not be replaced with a small outline around the object you are going to interact with?
    • I think some space can be cleared up by removing the "life" text over the hearts; the hearts by themselves should be enough for the player to understand. Also, things like money could be moved to the inventory screen
    • The ui in conjunction with camera panning make it so the player can walk underneath the ui elements. Its good for the camera panning to be limited by the map border, but not to the extent that the player can  overlap with the ui
    • Interaction is introduced in the first cutscene but there isn't anything to interact with yet. Being able to examine furniture, even if it just yields flavor text would be nice, especially when the player might otherwise not know what the blue hexagon ui is for yet
  • Some of the objects have weird collision; the gaming chair seems to be twice as large as it appears visually. The player can walk up to the left wall of their room but is unable to walk up to the right wall. The front wall of the house's hitbox extends much further than it looks
  • A minor issue with the intro; on my first playthrough, I walked to the left side of the darkness to see how wide the world was. When doing this, I walked to the bottom of the map and back up while completely missing the hole that lead to the first level. I don't know if this is intentional or not.
  • Another minor note; when saving, it would be nice to have the option to save the game in a new save file instead of only being able to overwrite the current one
  • I really don't like spacebar being used for both the dash as well as interaction. 
    • Since the interaction hitbox is in front of the player and doesn't cover objects they are standing on, picking objects in the middle of combat, even with the ui indicator, sometimes feels finicky; it's annoying to accidentally dash instead, wasting a limited resource and ending up in a bad position
    • Similarly, its annoying to be prohibited from dash when there is a rock directly in front of you, given that you can otherwise dash through them
  • But the gripes I had with interacting didn't even really matter since I wasn't able to damage enemies by throwing objects which is a shame since that would've been fun. Maybe you can but the hitbox is too precise that I was never able to do it?
  • In the first moving-platform room, the player cannot backtrack to the previous room. Could this be a problem if the player breaks all the rocks and are unable to proceed?
  • I also wish the player could dash over pits with fall detection only occurring when the dash ends
  • I really dislike the next room full of orange blobs that must all be killed in order for the door to open. Each one takes ~10 hits to kill and there are a lot of them making this really tedious.
    • enemies in general are too tanky and numerous which is annoying when you need to clear them all to proceed. I'd rather they have less Hp but be more threatening or damaging to compensate
    • Being able to damage enemies with rocks would also make rooms like this more interesting
  • I stopped playing on the next room. I didn't notice any feedback from stepping on switches with rocks and I was worried that, after spending a lot of time avoiding the bullets, I would find that the puzzle didn't work the way I expected. Some of the walls in this room also have hitboxes that extend further than they look visually, so I would sometimes get stuck walking along the perimeter
  •  In general, I feel like the player's hitbox is a little too tall. Given the perspective of the game, it seems like objects that overlap with only the players head should be behind them rather than touching them. This is most noticeable when going through doors that lead to the side; if standing too high up, the player will be blocked when it doesn't look like they should be.

I think this game has a lot of potential but needs some polish

I haven't played enough to unlock all of the terminals yet, but enjoyed what I've played so far

 At first I had trouble discerning the location of walls, but after getting used to it, the controls feel pretty smooth and the ego collection is pretty calm and satisfying. I don't have too much to say about the game since the enigmatic nature of some mechanics and objectives is part of the appeal.

I really like the visual style and overall atmosphere of the game.

Cute game. At first glance, I expected this to be a typing challenge game, although that probably would have been too difficult.

With some tweaks and the right connections, I could see this being an official NHTSA road safety edutainment game.

Genius concept. I've only played solo, but found it to be a lot of fun. Really simple and easy to get into while still being really intense at times.

  • Upgrade variety was good although some of the temporary buffs felt a little short to be worth the opportunity cost of picking them up. I did like the risk/reward of picking things up at the top of the screen and I wonder if there could be some mechanic where better items tend to spawn higher up or if pickups moved around slowly
  • It might be nice to see an indicator at the bottom of the screen that showed you your target's x location, just to make it easier to aim for them. (possibly one for the player above you as well?)
  • Please let me make my name a little longer
  • I think there should be a notification whenever a player gets eliminated, even if they are not your direct target
  • Pickups should flash a bit before despawning
  • After winning, the game froze on this page and I could hear the first millisecond of a chicken noise repeating over and over again. This seemed to stress my computer out and none of the ui options did anything. Haven't been able to recreate

thank you for playing my video game

Fun game

  • A lot of nice weapon variety. super shotgun and fraggo were satisfying to use and I liked how the colored ammo mechanic incentivized me to use experiment with different options
  • I really wish there was some option to rebind hotkeys
  • I felt like the boulders on the dark map blended in a little with the background. I also mistook the small spawned placeholder art enemies as pickups initially
  • I saw that there was an upgrade that made runes despawn slower, but it felt like their lifespan and pickup radius were already generous enough that this didn't seem too relevant. I think they should also flash a bit before despawning.
  • It would be cool if there was a ui indicator for things things like the portal, weapon pickups and maybe even straggling enemies when there are few of them left.
  • I can't think of any reason for weapons to not automatically reload at the start of levels
  • I'm sure the shield gun is great for better players, but it always felt really weak to me
  • Large placeholder spawner enemies felt really bullet-spongey. I noticed that some weapons could kill them really easily, but when they appear on the 2nd encounter, there is a good chance the player hasn't gotten one yet. In general, a lot of large enemies felt really tanky yet not that threatening.
  • imo the enemy movement should have a little noise/randomness to it. Watching large crowds move uniformly feels a bit weird to me.

Really enjoyed the concept. I just beat the brain scrambler, but I'm confused on how to continue. I just end up on page 66 again where I can either go back to the pseudopede or return to the entrance. I'm probably missing something really obvious here and I'll take another look at it later.

  • The "go to page X" prompts at the bottom really need to describe the physical action that they entail similar to the other options like "Enter the side path (Go to page X)" or "Leap of faith (Go to page X)" imo. I always assumed they were equivalent to "go forwards/backwards" but there are some instances where that doesn't seem to be the case (going to page 66 after beating the brain scrambler doesn't give the option to go back)
  • Maybe some pages could be updated dynamically after the player completes certain tasks? Like after defeating an enemy, the player should have the option to backtrack from its encounter page since it's already dead. After inputting the "authorize" password, the page should be updated to the player doesn't have to enter it again if they go back a page.
  • Combat was interesting, but I think a lot of players will get filtered by the presentation. The combat instructions shown before the first fight should saved somewhere and be readable at any time, even in the middle of combat. The guide itself should incorporate more visuals instead of describing it in words only. 
  • Simple notifications for when the player attempts to perform an invalid action, highlighting valid locations a player can drag a card when they are holding it, etc, could go a long way in helping players figure things out
  • The password system seems potentially cool, but kinda superfluous in what I've played so far. I don't see any benefit in having the text input option over having a set list of options to choose from and I don't know how to design such a use case that doesn't just turn the game into a pseudo-text-based-adventure.
  • Dynamic elements like the elevator, card envelope rewards, missing pages, spinny bits etc were very cool and I'd love to see more things like that
  • The writing was good enough that I read it.

Really liked what I played so far. Don't know how you'll develop it further mechanically, but just having the world/story be fleshed out more would be cool by itself

(1 edit)

Overall fun game. 

  • balance of skills felt a bit off. Barrier seemed really good and I wish the procedural generation made the other spells always appear a set distance away from the start. It felt like the success of a run really depended on how soon you picked up an extra spell so you could level it up earlier
  • boss had some cool patterns, although a highly leveled barrier made it a little too easy
  • Split shot seemed way more useful than the other 2 options.
  • I liked the balance of stats; felt like each was simple yet had a distinct purpose. While the slowing-circle-summoning enemies were annoying with unavoidable damage, I appreciated that they incentivized the player to get a value point in armor
    • Also, I think I saw the  slowing-circle-summoning enemies have an extra hp bar on their knee or something like that
  • A lot of fights felt won or lost based on your build rather than your micro
  • I think it would be nice to have a short delay between dying and having the death prompt pop up so the player has a moment to think about what they've done.

Good demo and looking forwards to seeing more weapon/enemy/upgrade options. Music was good.

Game looks and sounds very good. The fading people silhouettes were creepy and the short length of the game made me curious about the full story/background

  • Walking directly into the pipe on the left makes the camera jitter
  • After digging the grave, the player can look straight up at the ceiling and interact again to reinitiate the digging text.

Got through the demo pretty quickly and didn't notice any bugs.

  • Whenever possible, I feel like it would be better for the player to give responses by interacting with the diorama instead of text input (such selecting what object was used for a crime rather than typing its name in the response box)
  • bare bones diorama was good for the demo, but having very few objects and red herrings scattered about made the mystery pretty straightforward.
  •  instantly zooming in/out when selecting an object felt a little sudden
  • Camera controls were fine for the demo, but I wonder if it may become an issue with a larger, more complex diorama with multiple rooms. If something like that were to exist, I think I'd rather move the camera  more like a first-person game with noclip.

Seems like a promising demo with a lot of room for development

Finally got around to playing after the patch. The coin dropping is a gimmick, but one I enjoyed. Felt like I had just enough control over the outcome while still adding a lot of variance. Seems like the mechanic could add a lot of design space with potential new coins  to represent new events.

  • Rocks are always positioned in the upper left hand corner of the square they obstruct instead of the center, which makes their location slightly misleading
  • I think something like "next day" would be more intuitive than "back" for the button that advances to the next day.
  • pressing esc really shouldn't  immediately return to the title screen. Also, there should be a way to pull up the help menu in the middle of game without returning to the title screen

Played through the game and it seems like a pretty functional tech demo. Didn't notice any issues with the plant/animal generation.

My only gripe is with the jumping. It seems like the player can't jump while they are standing on the border between 2 blocks and they can't move left to right in the air while jumping. Not sure if this is intentional or if its even a problem depending on the type of game this ends up being.

Thanks for playing!

Fuel regenerates pretty quickly, but it only regenerates after not being used for a couple of seconds which isn't really explained in-game. Hoping to address this soon as well as add a visual indicator of when the regen is kicking in.

Artifacts (equipped at the reliquary) can also help address that as well as fuel pickups (the lightning bolt things) in the map. I'm seeing that these mechanics really need to be explained clearer in the game somewhere

Thanks for playing! The eggplants were intended to be used as currency to unlock weapons/upgrades, but everything is automatically unlocked for the purposes of the demo. The arena does have bots on as default in singleplayer

Got to the end and I think I got the true ending based on the response to my answer.

  • I would've liked to have gotten to know the characters a little more before the plot took off, but the characterization that did happen was pretty solid and time-efficient.
  • Some pretty good tense moments throughout and I enjoyed the manner of detective work involved.
  • The writing was actually funny when it tried to be and thankfully it tried pretty selectively
  • Some slight gripes with the inconsistencies between the styles of some of the backgrounds, even though I would've liked either the hand-drawn style and the edited photo styles individually.
  • I liked the art, although some of the characters looked a little similar to each other (I spent some of the game expecting that to be a plot point of some sort)
  • Despite the large amount of writing, I only saw a single typo the whole way through ("Some of the entires (entries) seemed to cut off..." when looking through the journal) 

I really enjoyed this game and was left wanting to know more about the setting and characters. I was impressed with how much story/world-building/characterization was fit in a relatively short package; a lot of games say less with more words.

It works. Love the spritework.

Thanks for playing and you're 100% right about the feature creep + directionlessness. The dev focus has been on multiplayer but changes have bled into singleplayer in ways that don't really make sense. Hoping that a progression system to drip-feed modes/weapons/upgrades will help with that. For now, the intended single-player experience is reaching the hub in the tutorial and then just playing with bots in the arena.

Thanks for pointing out the size issue. I hadn't added Matryoshka mode when I made that map. Some of the bird photo maps probably have a similar issue

Original music composed by

Really liked the game. UI, music and everything presentational about it was solid. 

I kinda wish the eraser could just erase what it touches instead of the whole line to make small adjustments easier. 

Besides more levels/mechanics, not sure what else could be added to the game. Maybe a challenge mode with limited ink?

Neat idea. I wonder if it would help if grid lines were visible. That way, the player could, at a glance, more easily tell how many steps were between 2 distant squares and whether their snake could fit past.

I'm a little confused on how to play the game. After dropping all 3 coins and hitting space, I instantly get a homeless explosion game over just as the menu for purchasing buildings pops up. I can continue placing buildings in the game over screen, but it eventually returns to the main menu.

Flesh Siphoned a yog nil until it had 1000000 pow then invaded until I had a similar amount of mind and flesh. Not sure what else there is to do in this demo.

This is in the top 1% of Godot games

Cool to see a rpgmaker game first person. Its my first time playing something that uses the engine for that

  • Using X to open the menu in the opening scene causes the intro dialog to replay upon closing it. Also I don't get the point of the animals in the intro room when you can use the menu to save/change settings
  • I really couldn't get used to the controls. A/D to rotate 90 degrees makes it annoying to enter a door that I am facing that is a single square to my right. I think I would've enjoyed the game much more if it had standard first-person controls, or at least if wasd just performed movement and rotating was mapped to different hotkeys altogether.
  • I wish the tutorial was skippable or at least partially skippable up to the point that it introduces mechanics unique to the game.
  • I liked the rpg combat. Mostly pretty standard, but I liked the additions that were there. Starting with 3 actions was nice for getting to the good part quicker and making the counters and utility moves better options.
  • Outside of some placeholder menu sprites, visuals overall were nice for creating that surreal atmosphere that rpgmaker games seem to often aim for
  • Some typos in the intro ("The demon you conquored (conquered) ...", resue (rescue) Sarah...",  "Please continute (continue) on.")
  • Had some trouble reading the fonts

Having a similar problem. I ran it from cmd with logging and got this

0046:fixme:winediag:start_process Hair Receive Bullet Staging 4.21 is a testing version containing experimental patches.

0046:fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on

0046:err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L"\\\\.\\DISPLAY2\\Monitor0"

0046:fixme:win:RegisterTouchWindow (0x1025c 00000003): stub

0046:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0001025C, 0018DEE0): stub

0046:fixme:msctf:ThreadMgr_ActivateEx Unimplemented flags 0x4

0046:fixme:imm:ImeSetCompositionString PROBLEM: This only sets the wine level string

0046:fixme:imm:ImeSetCompositionString Reading string unimplemented

0046:fixme:imm:NotifyIME NI_CLOSECANDIDATE

fixme:d3d9nine:DRIPresentGroup_GetMultiheadCount (0x1918e0), stub!

fixme:d3d9nine:DRIPresentGroup_GetMultiheadCount (0x1918e0), stub!

0046:err:module:find_forwarded_export module not found for forward 'boardgame.drv.DriverProc' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\boardgame.drv"

0046:err:winediag:MIDIMAP_drvOpen No software synthesizer midi port found, Midi sound output probably won't work.

Failed to create texture from boardgame/dferghjmgsss! SDL Error: Texture dimensions are limited to 8192x8192

Failed to load tutorial.pngFailed to create texture from boardgame/sdfdasdasffv! SDL Error: Texture dimensions are limited to 8192x8192

Failed to load tutorialbg.pngFailed to load media!

Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 826]Rendering thread exception:Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 111]GPU has crashed0x000007fefd4da06d KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []0x00000001408645f9 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x00000001407faf5b HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x00000001407c6858 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140c4e885 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140c5a5c8 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140f61aff HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140f76fa8 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140f7b3ab HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140f70fb5 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140f79927 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140d1cced HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140f8268e HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140f75ac8 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x000000014073dec1 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x00000001410ca0d2 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x00000001410ca158 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x000000014083b7b7 HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x0000000140838bcc HairBulletClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []0x00000000775359cd kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction []0x000000007766a561 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []*

Thanks for playing! 

Besides survival, all modes (except football) can currently be played with bots, which, while not as fun as playing with friends is a pretty serviceable representation of the pvp experience

In the future, the cubes as well as eggplants will be used to unlock content, but for the purpose of demo days, all content is unlocked automatically, so they don't do anything.

Soundtrack is original composition by . Their non-game soundtrack is good too

I'm planning on releasing on steam soon(tm) for pc/mac/linux

Thanks for playing and giving feedback

Bot difficulty options is something I'm working on and will hopefully make things more accessible. 

For the purpose of demo days, I like to have everything immediately unlocked, since I assume most people spend less time per game due to the large amount of games, although this definitely makes things overwhelming.  For a proper release, content should be presented more gradually with more complex mechanics coming later