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(1 edit)

I can assure you that I have checked the files folder in the game's main folder and all of the files exist. It is possible that somethings corrupt, but usually winrar/7zip would give an error stating so. I'll try redownloading the game, maybe it will work, but I doubt it.

Maybe the folder restrictions, like Ank said?  Where did you install the main game folder?  Try another location?

I usually keep games that I downloaded from the internet in a Games folder located in the root of my C drive, I find it's better to keep my games there rather than in a protected folder like Program Files.

(1 edit)

Huh, sounds like it should work fine... Still I'd listen to Ank.  He's the expert.

Though I did notice that the game doesn't make the "backup" folder in the main folder, like how Aric's premerged version has. Is that supposed to be normal with yours?

no it should work just like Aric's premerged.  I changed/added content, but I left the structure and mechanics alone.