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A member registered May 29, 2020

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When you launch the launcher there should be an option to Play Novetus with Console

(1 edit)

Okay, after checking the advanced permission settings, I noticed some User Groups were still being denied access, despite me having set them to having full access in the normal settings. After allowing them access, the game now works on my hard drive finally.

I'm not exactly sure it has something to do with permissions as I even tried changing the folder permissions to allow full access to all users, but then again, I just remember my flash drive is formatted in FAT32 for some reason, so NTFS folder permissions are removed when a folder is transferred to a FAT32 drive, allowing anyone or any thing that interacts with the folder full access 100% of the time. If I get around to getting an external hard drive or at least an adapter, I'd try it out on a second HDD, but for now this is what I've got to work with.

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Okay, so I guess the game just does not like my hard drive as I had the idea that maybe it's my hard drive that's the issue, so I plugged in a flash drive, copied the game to it and, low and behold, the game worked. I guess for now until I figure out what the issue it has with my hard drive is, I'll have to play off my flash drive.

One thing I haven't done in a while is reboot my computer, so I'll try that.

Though I did notice that the game doesn't make the "backup" folder in the main folder, like how Aric's premerged version has. Is that supposed to be normal with yours?

I usually keep games that I downloaded from the internet in a Games folder located in the root of my C drive, I find it's better to keep my games there rather than in a protected folder like Program Files.

Okay, also apparently one of the recent times I attempted to run the game, it decided to start leaving a log of the console, so I'll edit the my original post with the log.

(1 edit)

I can assure you that I have checked the files folder in the game's main folder and all of the files exist. It is possible that somethings corrupt, but usually winrar/7zip would give an error stating so. I'll try redownloading the game, maybe it will work, but I doubt it.

I already tried that, but I still got the same result. The weird thing is the last time the game was installed on the same machine, prior to me recently having to wipe the hard drive, the game worked perfectly fine. 

(6 edits)

For some reason, for me at least, the game keeps crashing on startup. I don't know exactly what the cause is, but it occurs every time the game is run as long as the Strive folder found in AppData\roaming exists. If I delete the folder and run the game, it will launch perfectly fine, but since it creates the Strive folder on startup, every subsequent time the game is run, it crashes on startup, too fast for me to grab a snapshot of the console, of which the text should be kept in a log file anyway for cases like this. What I could gleam in the split second that text appears in the console are a bunch of file read errors. Also, I've tried setting up the mod by extracting it into the mods folder while the game is running, but it didn't change anything.

Edit: I managed to keep the game from crashing immediately by making the console go into select text mode, freezing the program temporarily. Here's a snapshot of the errors I could get to show:

Edit 2: Here's the log of the console:

Edit 3: I figured out a temporary "fix" for the issue by running the game off a flash drive. The issue itself is still present when the game is run off my hard drive, but at the very least I'm able to run the game.