Whilst possible, seems unlikely given I was careful with my choices, and have tried several different routes just in case.
Managed to convince Aire to give up location. When she was brought out, said 'honor to meet you', 'let's not jump to conclusions', 'there's no need for violence'. When she caused issue, opposed it and claimed it was barbaric. and sacrificed a follower to save her, since only other option seems to be slapping her earlier, which I can't see being that convincing >.>"
At the prison, tried both greeting her and telling her I was a friend. Told her I wished to save her, tried both 'way to save you' and 'negotiated for pardon' options, mentioned was mayor, said she'd have to marry me (since the other option was basically blackmail, can't see that going over with her too well), said feelings were sincere, said was sorry for loss. Said she'd tried to do what was right, and would be able to help people if didn't die.
Next day let her talk to Aire, who supported it. After that tried just about every route with the options about coming to an agreement that didn't involve insulting her (the one about not caring about her feelings). Made sure both charm and sex factors were at 5.
At this point, I can't see any other route with the options that doesn't involving offending her. If I'm wrong, be glad to know, but it'd be a little odd if I legitimately have to insult her to convince her.