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Was having fun with the game. The red spider in the "this path seems dangerous" path seems like a bit of a difficulty spike though, could not manage to beat it. 

It be nice if mousing over equipped items would also give you the stat tooltip.

More stat information would be nice too, "boosts speed/attack speed by a tiny bit" doesn't really tell me much. Actual numbers for attack and move speed modifiers would be nice.

Having to open the trash each for each item i want to dump is a bit tedious. Having to click on it to open it is a nice safety, but having it automatically close after an item in seems unnecessary 

Is their any reason for me to be able to control one of the units? Feels like it would make sense to just let all the units be automated tbh.

Ran into two glitches.

You can (sort of) equip items to the wrong slot. So say equip a weapon onto armour. In combat it still keeps the original equipment it looks like. But it breaks the setup menu.

Units using ranged attacks that have "start on other side of map" armour start shaking up and down after combat.

 Cool game, thanks for the demo!

thanks for the review. the original vision for this was an autobattler(where you can place the allies), I might upload that version again, but I got frustrated while making it, changed the whole direction to this, wich led to some things barely making sense.