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A good start for sure! But as promised, there was definitely some jank in there! I think i got a bit wordy with this post, i hope that's alright haha

The first thing would just be the immediate movement- it feels like the character kind of struggles to start moving from a standstill. I was a little more used to it by the time i finished, but I can't shake that first feeling. I know needing a little acceleration is normal, but it seems a bit overdone here.
As well, i'm not sure what purpose the "skid" state serves. In Mario it lets you access your sideflip move, and in Sonic it lets you come to a screeching halt from top speed, but in this game it seems to serve no purpose but to lock me out of shooting and jumping, and I can turn around faster just by swinging the stick around. If it was just there as a flavor animation that'd be fine, but with it's current implementation i'm a bit confused.

I'm not sure if you're looking for feedback on the animations themselves so I'll hold off on that- but the uh, placement? of the walljump seems off. The player seems to snap to an entirely different height/position to the wall once you initiate the wall jump, making the whole thing feel off. I will say though that i otherwise do enjoy the feeling of the walljump, the slight stick before you launch is nice! and i like doing diagonal walljumps forward.

I also found myself doing walljumps when i was trying to grab the ledge fairly often. Most games just require you to hold into the ledge to climb it, and I can definitely get wanting to have it on a button instead. But- i'm not sure having the button and activation case be so close to wall jumping is a good idea.

This ones a little more nitpicky perhaps, but with the umbrellas i think it should be very clear that you can't jump onto them if you dont come from above. It really feels like you can just almost get on them, but you can't. So that is to say, i'd just make them a bit taller, or perhaps more straightly opened? That or just let you jump on from them from the floor, lol. I would also say to just make the collider for the spring just a bit wider, sometimes when coming from above if im just on the edge it still wouldn't register a bounce.

As for the guns, there's a couple of things that seems off. I definitely want to be able to pick up a new one just by standing over it and pressing the button, having to aim at it is very clunky. The guns should probably not have collision with players and impede movement while they're on the ground like that either.

The biggest thing though, is every gun seems to have at least a half second or so of delay between pressing the shoot button and actually firing? Makes sense with a few guns, like the minigun of course, but it even seems to be the case with the basic handgun. Very strange. The bullet arcs also consistently are much lower than i expect them to be. Compared to say, Splatoon, where the inky bullets do at least reach the height of the reticle before falling down.The actual feeling of hitting things is good though!

I'll cap it off there- i do hope i didn't get too negative, there's definitely a lot of promise! Getting all the systems in and working is super cool, just needs some polish! Super important to get the game feel down pat early on with these types of projects, i think.

thanks for the feedback! the movement will have some tweaks to handle momentum better in the future
the slide right now is mostly just a fun movement option, but i have plans to add a slide to jump feature (also you can slide and fire weapons :? )

the wall jumps i agree are very janky, especially with the aniamtions, i will be fixing that in the next update
same with the ledge grabs! these will have a more dedicated movement system to work with and will hopefully be more fluid to control

right now alot of weapons stats are in the debug stages, but i will definitely make them fire closer to player inputs!

Thanks again! detailed feedback is always useful to get! :)


Looking forward to the updates then! Best of luck!!

Also, my comments about the skid thing wasn't in reference towards the slide move, i actually like how that feels just fine! It's quick and responsive, and jumping out of it is fun.

I'm talking about the "turnaround" state, i suppose, when you immediately switch directions while running and it locks you into an animation while you change direction- that's the thing that was throwing me off.