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(1 edit)

Glad you posted this, I've been wanting to try it out. Notes:

- GOOD LORD SHES THICC. Great pixel art. It's really cute. 

- When I'm running right, there is a lot of slide to stop. When running to the left, I stop immediately.

- The down/X/jump move is a bit confusing. I can do it sometimes but I'm not exactly sure how it works. The level says to use "X" but that doesn't do anything. I have to hold down, forward, then hit Z to jump up and slide forward.

- The premise of cycling through the level in both directions, and having the level be one screen is really good. Excited to see where it goes.

- The jump down to the first "door" is really frustrating because I slide right into some spikes. Preventing that feels very fiddly. Especially when there is so much sliding, and the sliding is inconsistent in when it seems to happen.

- Ok, at 14 deaths trying to get past this fucking asshole door who keeps laughing at me. 

- 20 deaths. Jesus christ. I literally selected easy and I'm usually decent at platformers. Finally got through after that.

The game is really cute and has good ideas but it's simply too hard for me. Maybe I'm just terrible, but sliding into spikes every 5 seconds feels frustrating. I get that the game is meant to be really hard, but to me, it doesn't exactly feel hard for the right reasons. When all my deaths come from just sliding into stuff, it doesn't give me the impression that I did a bad jump, or mistimed something. I just didn't force my character to stop sliding when I landed somewhere.