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Panic Floor!!View game page

An unforgiving platformer!!
Submitted by Panic OK!! (@Panic_Floor) — 1 day, 8 hours before the deadline
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Fun little platformer.

Very good plot.

She be thick.

For real though, the game looks nice and plays alright, but there's just a bit lacking in the game feel department. I can't shake the feeling of the slight bit of clunk. Got stuck on a spike once or twice. Maybe I need to play on controller or something. Although I did play through Super Meat Boy on my keyboard and nearly destroyed my hands in the process.

I wonder if that can be masked with a bit of music. I think that's why it felt it bit empty. Perhaps  commission some music for the game? Or maybe just find some royalty-free stuff and put it in as a placeholder. I think that would improve things quite a bit.

Great progress. Hope to see more. 



Filtered by room 5 on easy. Ya im not very good at platformers.

Art is nicely made though!

The level design being a single fully visible room with wrapping around segments is really neat.

Not my kind of game and I'll never be good at it, but thanks for the demo and good luck with game!

I beat the game on easy with 130 deaths.

A lot of things changed from the last version I played, I appreciate the progress. The keys now make more sense on the keyboard and it is great that the run key doesnt exist anymore. Easy mode makes the game beatable since it gives time to try again difficult levels without being oppressed by the timer. The new animations pours even more life in the character and the design in the first few levels is a lot more fun.

The movement could use some work like the rest of the people suggested. One thing that annoyed me was that pressing down would stop the protagonist dead. I expected to slide a little like in most platformers. When on ice, if you press down and then the key contrary to your movement the character will also stop.

The difficulty sky rockets really quickly, but I assume that with the full game the difficulty curve will not be so abrupt. Switches not turning off when the player dies allow them to cheat in some cases. Also consider making switches not count down if the player is on top of it. 

There are bugs with the collision. Sometimes I was able to stand without moving on spikes or on top of the top drop in the second level.

I like that you have been advancing with your game. Keep going!

Submitted (1 edit)

I love difficult platformers but I'm not a big fan of this one, I simply don't enjoy the controls and focus on linear platforming around slippery surfaces. The art, animations and style is fantastic though.

I also don't see the reason why hard mode exists, after running out the time the first time I just beat the game on easy instead, after which I went through hard mode thinking there be some difference but there is nothing different at all except for the timer. Other than that I think the timed mechanics not resetting when you die is kinda annoying too.

I also noticed that you posted before about levels and block types that aren't part of the demo (like the last gif on the game page), did you cut those intentionally from the demo or what?


art is fantastic, looks great! i like puzzle platformers so i like this but movement really needs some work. either theres too much inertia or she comes to a dead stop. it makes these levels that require perfection in a series of movement be super frustrating because you are not battling the level you are battling the controls which is never a good thing.


Fun game with fun mechanics, but it does commit some platformer sins

  • Physics/movement are inconsistent. In level 005 in particular - I jump up, run to the left and die sometimes? Sometimes I will hit my head on the ceiling spikes, but sometimes I won't
  • Movement felt slippery overall, I had to make moves ahead of time because it took a bit too long to stop and turn, especially with spikes all over the place and having to do frame perfect input. It felt like muscle memory was the only way to beat it
  • Could use some more lenient jumping rules, particularly Wile E. Coyote jump (allow jumping for a few frames after the player is off the edge) and let the players start holding jump again mid-air so that when they touch the ground, she jumps again automatically
  • You might be planning this already, but I think Hard Mode should be an unlockable. I made the mistake of doing it first and got demolished because I didn't know the levels and going back to square 1 was really frustrating. Easy Mode was alright. For Hard Mode, consider not starting the timer until the player moves, so they have the time to acknowledge what the level is and plan what to do
  • Running through buttons that are already pressed should refresh them. I had a situation in one level (maybe 008) where I ran through a button, died, respawned, ran through the button again before the timer ran out, ran through the door it was keeping open, the time ran out, door spawned on me and telefragged me
  • On 002 if you hold right while jumping down the bottom of the screen, you will get stuck on an invisible platform. Happened consistently

But honestly, these are mostly personal nitpicks and even with the current mechanics and physics, you have a good game here. As someone who 100%'d Super Meat Boy and End is Nigh, I would probably buy and 100% this game

I like platformers, so I liked this.

(1 edit)

Glad you posted this, I've been wanting to try it out. Notes:

- GOOD LORD SHES THICC. Great pixel art. It's really cute. 

- When I'm running right, there is a lot of slide to stop. When running to the left, I stop immediately.

- The down/X/jump move is a bit confusing. I can do it sometimes but I'm not exactly sure how it works. The level says to use "X" but that doesn't do anything. I have to hold down, forward, then hit Z to jump up and slide forward.

- The premise of cycling through the level in both directions, and having the level be one screen is really good. Excited to see where it goes.

- The jump down to the first "door" is really frustrating because I slide right into some spikes. Preventing that feels very fiddly. Especially when there is so much sliding, and the sliding is inconsistent in when it seems to happen.

- Ok, at 14 deaths trying to get past this fucking asshole door who keeps laughing at me. 

- 20 deaths. Jesus christ. I literally selected easy and I'm usually decent at platformers. Finally got through after that.

The game is really cute and has good ideas but it's simply too hard for me. Maybe I'm just terrible, but sliding into spikes every 5 seconds feels frustrating. I get that the game is meant to be really hard, but to me, it doesn't exactly feel hard for the right reasons. When all my deaths come from just sliding into stuff, it doesn't give me the impression that I did a bad jump, or mistimed something. I just didn't force my character to stop sliding when I landed somewhere.