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Not sure if this is user error or an issue with the game but everyone I try to talk to after the first guy just says Action: Terminate Conversation and there's no dialogue options so I don't think I'm able to progress. It's too bad cause the story seems quite cool, I like the art and music choice as well. If I'm missing something in terms of the dialogue let me know, will definitely give it another play.

oh no! Sorry about that. Looks like you aren't the only one having that problem. I'll have a look at it today (can't upload an update but can still make a fix). So it is just coming up with Terminate for every dialogue option?

It seems to be the NPC's I'm talking to that are saying it (it's in the upper left of the text box, there's no dialogue options visible  or any way I was able to find to get out of the dialogue so you're just kind of stuck in it/have to restart the game.


That's...out there! I just booted it up and hit the same problem as well. Shouldn't be too tricky to fix though. Thanks a lot for describing the problem.

Hi there! The game has been fixed now, and runs as both a download and browser. Thanks for reporting the bug to me!