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A member registered Dec 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Ooh yeah I didn't have time (and kind of forgot) to add adjustments for different aspect ratios so if yours is too different from 16:9 it makes sense you have issues. Sorry about that! You could try just jumping repeatedly and holding A and eventually the frog will hop onto the screen haha. There might be some issues with the underwater scene with that ratio as well though, so if you have a wider aspect ratio that'll probably be the best experience :) Thanks for playing it though!

(1 edit)

Hey, I saw you played my game on your last stream but had a problem! I couldn't see the character due to the facecam but I think your issue might have been that you need to jump in the water with Space before trying to submerge. If you want to give it another shot, there's a lot more content in the game  :) 

Very good fun, I loved the animation of Porko bouncing up and down in his little bag. I did find the twist (only done 1 ending so far so not sure if there are multiple) a little easy to predict but it still made me chuckle, with the different portrait and Rock's absolute refusal to speak even in the face of ancient evil. Definitely will check out the other endings after submission period

*happy starfish sounds*

No but seriously this was really good. The pacing of the tone shift was perfect for me; little hints at the start and then all of the sudden shit just hits the fan. I don't know if it was intended but the fact that the giftshop was an angler fish was also such a nice touch to hint to the player that it is a bad place that you don't want to go. Also the game is gorgeous, was easy to forget the feeling of impending dread just peacefully cruising through the environment.

Only criticisms are bug related, got locked talking to the eel in the angler fish section and a couple other dialogue issues others have mentioned. And obviously the crash in the web build.

Great job!

Really cool story here! I legitimately wasn't sure who to trust/who I morally agreed with right up until the end when you learn more about Finn and then it was out the airlock with him. The characters were super well written and the dialogue was well delivered with the simple but well executed gameplay. Only suggestion as I think at least one other person has mentioned is maybe add a run option or just up the base movement speed, considering how much you have to move around the map to retrieve all the components/information

Thank you for the feedback, very glad you enjoyed it ^_^ yeah the word size jumping around was an issue I was struggling with. I think I made it a little better by setting a minimum size for the word objects but it's tough when you're trying to put words like "I" and "amphibious" into the same space... 

(2 edits)

Oooh shoot sorry about that! If you want to just get to see the dialogue for the later days you could maybe use the cheat button to get back to where you were, unless the bug is unavoidable. Would you mind sharing what it was so I can fix it for post jam updates?

Very glad you enjoyed it though! ^_^

Oh I loved this so much, was smiling the whole time. Very funny dialogue and interaction between the narrators and the game. Definitely laughed at poor Agent R/Princess rose in his/her little dress. Super cute art style and music/sounds fit really well too. Props all around

Only thing I would say is I would suggest maybe setting the respawn point in the sidescrolling sequence to be after the dialogue, or maybe add a way to skip it? It was a little frustrating to have to sit through it again every time I died

It seems to be the NPC's I'm talking to that are saying it (it's in the upper left of the text box, there's no dialogue options visible  or any way I was able to find to get out of the dialogue so you're just kind of stuck in it/have to restart the game.

Aah knew I was missing something. I thought it was hinting that the platform we could see was actually a box of snakes so I didn't want to jump on it haha.

So I'm having a bit of trouble again at the rescuing Leah level. The tutorial said when you're touching the wall, she can move through it but it seems a little inconsistent? Sometimes I push up against the rightmost wall and Leah can walk through, sometimes she seems blocked completely no matter what I do, sometimes I die to the spikes and she can suddenly walk through the floor upon respawning without the black box moving at all.

Aah it's a shame you guys weren't able to finish this, it seems like a really cool concept! The "place your own platform" platforming was quite fun, although had a couple camera issues. Hard to assess the story given what's missing but definite potential here. I hope you guys are able to keep working on it after the jam

Not sure if this is user error or an issue with the game but everyone I try to talk to after the first guy just says Action: Terminate Conversation and there's no dialogue options so I don't think I'm able to progress. It's too bad cause the story seems quite cool, I like the art and music choice as well. If I'm missing something in terms of the dialogue let me know, will definitely give it another play.

Cool twist at the end! Made me want to see what the other endings were like. There are a couple issues with the sound mixing, the sound effect at the end of the rally is really loud and jarring even though I was expecting something like it. The music looping is also very noticeable at times, it seems to cut out and restart in the middle of the song sometimes.

The dialogue was also a little stiff I found, and there were a fair few typos, but the story itself was pretty interesting

Always fun to see a 3D entry! A little unsure how the narrator is unreliable, other than him being just confused about things.  The story itself was interesting, would have liked to see a bit more of it as right now it seems quite short but you mentioned you struggled with timing at the end so it's understandable. The voice acting and sound design were well done and "she" definitely creeped me out.

A sweet little game! Not sure I would call Paul an unreliable narrator per say but I think I get what you were going for. I enjoyed his internal dialogue. A couple graphical glitches and the music transition between scenes could be a little smoother but otherwise well executed

Oh this was delightful, I laughed out loud at the ending. Really clever idea and well executed. Poor narrator was trying so hard...

(2 edits)

Cool example of the way visual and audio information interfere with each other haha. Not much of a story or characters here to follow so not sure I would really call this a narrative game, the gameplay itself was neat if pretty short. Not too hard to get a pretty high score once you ignore to learn that pesky hand

So I might just suck but I got kind of stuck on the second level of the game, the one with the definitely not a box of snakes. There's a little gap it seems like you're supposed to fit through after turning on the third light but I can't get through it no matter how many times I throw myself at it. Not sure if it's a bug or user error but either way seems a little tough for just the second room.

Also I would recommend either making it full screen automatically or lowering the window size, the lower text options during the beginning dialogue were blocked by my taskbar so I had to hide it. Not a huge deal, just a usability note!

Apart from that though I liked what I was able to see! The little notes the narrator leaves you were quite funny and the sound/graphics fit the mood of the game. Wish I could see more of it, let me know if there's a trick I'm just missing.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! For the mini game, it is a little guess and check unfortunately. The idea is after you get one or two lines of one color you get the mood of it and more easily recognize words that might be in that color, both on your own and since words start locking in from the start.

Completely agree for the music, honestly that's my bad for stubbornly insisting on recording it myself and then not practicing accordion for 2 years so I was a little rusty haha. But I could have done something simple and more fluid for sure, I was going for "hoppy".

Thank you so much for the feedback! It's very helpful ^_^

Ooh floaty jumps is a good idea. I was originally planning to have upper teeth too which would have required long times in the air but given I didn't get the chance to implement that the jumps would work well :)

Quite fun! Good puzzles and nice complimentary sounds. Not quite sure how it fits the theme but good game all the same

I thought this was really clever! Creative puzzle platformer, although could use a couple quality of life adjustments like being able to manually progress dialogue and skip the tutorials/cutscenes following death. Quite fun though!

I agree with the other comments that the sounds are a little aggressive, it's fun to play though! I noticed that when the zombies get around halfway across the screen they seem to randomly speed up and I can't catch them at all, couldn't tell if that was intentional. Over all good job!

Super unique idea! Was really cool to play

I thought this was well executed! Thought at first maybe needed more explanation but everything was pretty intuitive, fun mechanics

Cool idea! I feel like some of the mechanics could be better visually indicated, maybe showing which boats are where without having to click on the location. Took me a while to figure out but visuals and sound worked well

Thank you! Yeah I realized late in development that I didn't really have a win or lose condition and didn't quite have time to implement it, so I just threw on the survival timer to add some feeling of achievement. If I was gonna development further I'd definitely either increase decay rate as the teeth fall out, or just have a flat loss once a certain number are gone.

The bees added a cool challenge, but unfortunately it's already quite hard without them :'( also would be nice if you could hold space to water the flowers instead of having to spam it

Very clean, felt great to play. Clever puzzles and cute art

Simple but I enjoyed it! Only suggestion is maybe have 2 different buttons for reverse gravity and jump, I found it a little hard to keep track of especially in the harder levels

Quite fun, although I definitely suck at it. Only notes are the decay bars seem to overlap if you put a lot of boxes next to each other, making it hard to keep track of how far each have decayed, and the in game instructions could be a bit clearer.

Aah, space would have been better you're right. I had it stop your horizontal movement to add some challenge to maneuvering between the teeth but if it feels clunky I'll consider removing that for any post jam updates I do. Thanks again!

Definitely laughed out loud. Very well done (/r/birdsarentreal checking in)

Thanks for the feedback! I was kind of going for a dentist waiting room vibe with the music but also was running out of time so wasn't able to search for that perfect track as much as I would've liked. Any specific advice for improving the controls?

Thanks for the feedback! I was wondering if you had any specific advice as for how to improve the controls? I was aiming to make the flying mechanic a little challenging to add difficulty to the game, but I know challenging can sometimes translate to unintuitive so would love to hear your thoughts.