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This game is still doing great, especially after the updates! However, I believe some features could be cut back in order to save code room, and perhaps make room for other features. I have listed features I personally believe to be extraneous below

1. The option to skip a heist - I never find myself skipping heists, as it is usually possible to come out with more money than you had beforehand regardless of the building's challenges and obstacles.

2. The ability to knock on trees to alert guards (and trees in general) - trees have always been quite a nuisance during heists, and I believe their presence in the game has almost no benefit, with trees blocking entryways and sometimes entire routes. They also hold little to no viability in distracting/alerting guards, as these trees are usually too far away for any guard inside the building to hear.

The alteration or possible removal of these features would likely benefit the game as a whole and allow room for further improvements upon it due to freed up space in Pico-8. I understand that these changes would be quite drastic and that I don't have much room for criticism having only designed a few small games myself, but I believe that these changes could seriously improve the game and make it an overall better experience for the player than it already is. To whoever you are, whether you're a random passerby, fellow enjoyer of this game, or perhaps even the developer; thank you for taking the time to read this!

I'm super happy you come back to the game!

You are completely right about the skip action, I'm going to yank that out next!

I understand about the trees, and as a player I agree. But here's a lite tidbit about the trees: they are there for optimisation! The shadow algorithm (most shadow-casting algorithms in 2d roguelikes) take a lot of resources in open spaces. So when running this game on my raspberry pi it started to be janky and less responsive, taking half a second to react to key presses. So I added trees and now it runs smoothly even on my raspberry pi.

The ability to knocking on the trees come more or less free as that action is added to all objects in the map generation.

I'm so glad you took the time to write as it makes me think if there's something I can do different, something to replace the trees with. Maybe have small buildings without doors or just walls, would that work? wdyt?


I just want to add my two cents: I actually love the "skip heists" option *and* I like the trees. Yes, the trees can make it more challenging or impossible to do certain things, but I feel like that's a bit more immersive. The "skip" is beneficial because if you go into a heist that doesn't work out, you have to lay low for a day, which means you end up losing more money than you would've gained. So I like being able to skip. (Please don't yank it.)