First of all – sorry! I know I wanted to make a post every week but it was quite stressful and yeah … here it finally is!
The scripts for most of the voice-files are pretty much done. It’s not yet fully complete nor are they final but it is enough to start recording (of course we will probably change/add stuff during the next weeks but that is part of the process).
Another big thing is the change of our engine. For our last game as well as the alpha versions of Devastated: Andrew’s Dictaphone (or simply DAD) we used LibGDX. However we decided to switch to Unity since the whole development-process seems to be a lot faster.
If we are going to be successful with DAD, we would need to buy a license but first of all we need to be successful and the game will be PWYW/free, so financial success won't be a 'danger'.
Angela is going to draw quite a lot for the rest of the week. In the last days there wasn't really much progress in terms of art because she spent a lot of time working on the website.
Here is a new scene from
the game!

And also check out our website! Angela spent a lot of time optimizing and making sure everything looks good :D Non-responsive websites are still a thing in 2017 ~
Christopher spent some time to further optimize Intra-System. Even though it already performs great on low-end machines, he wanted to increase the performance on older PCs even more.
There was a little stutter with the animations at the end of the game (only noticeable on old PCs) and this should be fixed with it, as well as some more minor changes :D
Also thanks to Imagoala, she fixed some errors in the scripts. I need to practice more English (no worries, for the game everything will be checked :D) and I'm watching and reading a lot to improve it (cliffski.com is great, also Jeff Vogels Blog)
It will be a little calm here until the start of the new year, mainly because of Christmas and new years (visiting family & stuff like that) :). However with the beginning of the new year we should manage to post weekly ^o^