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Hi Fishking, congrats on making it to round 4. In testing, cover would always protect 100% from front view attacks, and around 85% from off angle attacks, but it felt almost to OP so while balancing the game for DD, a clutch decision was made to take reduced damage even from head on attacks. Based on feedback, I'm thinking of having cover give 100% protection at first, and then gradually giving less protection as the cover object is worn down. This might give more incentive to repair the cover object over time.

For the between round sections, you're meant to use the pool points(shown in the upper right corner) to recover health and repair cover objects. Right now I think it's set at 80 per round, it's an arbitrary number and needs more testing to see how it should be set. So battles are meant to become a war of attrition, to see if you can complete them using limited healing resources. For the next demo, I'll give an option to restart battles from round 1 to avoid soft locking.

With reloading I forgot to include instructions that you can reload manually from moving or aiming by pressing R, sorry about that.  Will definitely give increased ammo capacity for the average gun. Also, I'll make sure that you can reload behind cover, with the cover bonus, because.. that just makes sense.

Thanks for the feedback, it was very helpful!