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I think a lot of things have already been said, but I feel like I can add something not given.

Perhaps you can "Over-fill" the stats? So instead of having infinite leveling, you can go really high, but it will slowly go down to the cap. So you can still get really strong to swing at a bunch of enemies- yet it won't be that way forever. This could make it to where grinding isn't really encouraged due to the player going to loose the over-filled stats sooner or later. (also because over-filling juice would make so much sense pun-wise)

I also feel like giving more stats to fill would be good, maybe not "n00b trap" stats, but even more specific stuff for us to do. Though if you were to add more stats being able to be done, I feel like they shouldn't be given from the starting point, and you would have to go out and find leveled-up fountains. An example of a stat to be given for people in the level-ed up could be the dashes/special moves you want to add, or even making the over-fill top a bit taller so you can level up more, or the "over-fill" goes down slower.

I may not be saying/explaining my viewpoint in the best way, but basically I like a more "short-burst of power" where you can be really powerful for a bit instead of a permanent "Kill everyone you see unless they are some gigantic tank" mode. The only major problem I could see forming with the "over-fill" idea is where you treat juice like a health potion and never use the overfill (maybe there could be some "linger" aspect where it doesn't cost as much to do again to encourage using the hypothetical system more?)