Hey bobfox! Thank you so much for constantly giving such detailed feedback!
1. Yes, that was a slip up. I should add a continue button to Chapter 2.
2. Huh, I didn't really catch the loop there. Then again, the music isn't made by me so I'll try to adjust it but idk if the musician's license allows modifying content. I'll look into it.
3. Is this in the WebGL build? I've never had this issue before. Will look into it.
4. Once you get the ingot from Louis, you basically trade it with the peddler for some coin. You can go to the baker and buy a muffin with it. That's how it's scripted. But if you only did the blade part, then I'll look into the code about this.
5. Ah yeah, I initially thought that was being very lighthearted but I understand what you mean. I'll make the change.
6. There are a lot of Witcher references haha. Wild Hunt was the game that really made me fall in love with games and I've wanted to make games ever since.
I'm really glad you like the world. I originally made this world for a DnD campaign I play with my friends. I decided to make use of it for this game coz why not :D.
Thanks again and have a nice day!