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(1 edit)


Love everything about it. Don't mind the bats, don't mind the traps, don't mind anything anyone's been having trouble with really.

My refresh rate is 75 and I have no problem with falling, almost feels like I need to fall way too high to take damage(the very first unavoidable fall takes like 10-15% hp), but I hope bugs like that will be fixed for other people. Also pressing B regardless of my input settings fully heals me for free for no reason, as though I have a cheat on idk.

Would be nice to have some quality of life things, like tooltips explaining what exactly every upgrade does, because rn I don't know exactly what strengthned body does. Could even just be a .txt document that comes with the game, like a manual.

Looking forward to seeing new content, wish you the best, but especially to not get overwhelmed by suggestions and have a clear vision of the game and stay true to it. Can't please them all. For example personally I'd love if the MC could be visibly pregnant for some more time before birthing, like actually being able to play with a growing belly before the birth stun. As well as just lengthening the sex animations, like maybe double or triple the time, have the damage over time reduced, but do the same amount in the end if you let it go till the end as normally.

Anyway, good job. This is the kind of game you find in a piracy site and go buy it anyway lol

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I'm glad you liked the game.

There not much difference between 60 and 75 so you will not face that issue. In the update I'll try to resolve this issue. If that doesn't work, will change it with 1-2 sec stun with animation doubling the fall heights with no health penalties. Those inputs functions were left to remove from 0.1 so will be dealt in upcoming update.

Body Strengthening increases the number of hits you take before losing clothes. will do something abouts the upgrade menu such as a description box popping up as soon as you hover over the skill. For now will make a pdf to explain stuffs.

I can't add bloated belly in this game as there are so many skins and frames for animations.  But will add this detail in the next game called Prison Break.

Thank you. I know if your game worth it, people will definitely buy it. I'm really happy to gain  your trust.

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Hey, thank you for the reply.

Of course everything I said is just to consider if it's a good idea and worth your time adding to the game, for you to decide. Or future games. There are so many fetishes out there, last thing you wanna do is burn out, but if you will add a pdf, I think it sounds like a good and easy, fast idea. If anything, I just hope when the nude skin will be available, she will be actually very nude, like barefoot :D

Another thing would be nice to add in the pdf is numerical indication how much upgrades affect you. For example, it's obvious from gameplay that bomb upgrades give up +5 maximum capacity, but max health doesn't give you the exact numbers how much more life you get, and it's hard to judge by testing from being hit. So if original health is 100% or 100, then something like "+20%" or whatever the actual numbers are would be neat to see in the pdf or tooltip per upgrade. Just an idea for better clarification.
