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A member registered Apr 23, 2021

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Nice! Unfortunately I couldn't upload screenshot because itch error, but to me the bug specifically happened in swamps with the white monsters with flower heads (both variants). So I think the criteria for this bug to happen are
1. Enemy only has H-attacks (grabs you instantly without dropping on the floor with attacks)
2. Enemy has hurt stun animation if you attack them.

So what happens is when you hit enemy and they grab you at the same time, Syahata disappears, enemy becomes permanently stunned as if the H-scene starter. You can see the struggle bar but can't do anything. Just stuck forever

Bug report: if you hit the enemy at the same time when it catches you, the whole game bugs out and you need to reload. Your character disappears, you can't struggle. Nothing. Stuck.

You can't buy this game. The developer commented in previous releases that he disabled it on ITCH and that you can support him in other sources if you want. He posted these links

I know both English and Russian on a native level. They're both my first languages pretty much. I'll translate this game for free if dev asks me. Notice me senpai

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Hello. It says that 'game has stopped selling'. How do I buy it now? I just wanna support the developer.

 Is something wrong with development?

feelsbadman but ty for the reply

Very great game! ^^ My only personal nit pick is that it's a shame protagonist isn't barefoot when you pick 'naked' mode :(

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Hahaha no no no, never mind it. I was just joking by referencing the stupid decision phasmo devs made by decreasing rewards a lot if u play custom. They are getting molded by fans, as they should ^^

If you add custom difficulty at some point, promise me you won't reduce it's rewards by 80% and keep it 100%, then I will buy this game xDDDD

would also be nice to know if there are any in-game differences between steam vs DLsite versions? which one is censored and which is uncensored, availabel languages etc

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Hey well thank you. Yeah the life amount increase helps, it's just that I'm used to having a consistent way of restoring hit points to some degree, or maybe having a "base" to return to, rest, prepare and maybe level up. I guess I'm biased and just need to deal with the simpler system haha!

Yeah the animations themselves are great, but a type of player like me would just benefit more (if you know what I mean :D) from them if they just looped more before finishing, maybe having the finishing animation prolonged a bit as well or just have control yourself, like in the old hentairella flash games.  It's also just preference, so not so much of a critique, so it's up to you what is your target audience. I guess my expectations imply relying less on the gallery is what I'm trying to say. Cheers!

I wish the animations were longer (even just loops mostly), or maybe if you could even control the pace(progression). It also takes itself a little bit too seriously with the limited lives. Other than that, I really like this game

What is your operating system and antivirus? You might wanna try and download it through different browser (chrome, mozila or even microsoft edgeLOL if it's already in your system).

As far as I know, even if there was a virus, it can't hurt you by simply downloading the file, or the zip that contains it and unzipping it. Executing the file is what activates viruses.

Try disabling antivirus before downloading and reactivate after downloading. Unzip the files and then scan them manually if you want. Goodluck

That's alright, thankfully it's not noticably game breaking or anything. Your Hgames are cool

Hey. Cool game. Unfortunately I'm having some non-game-breaking bugs, where clients start walking backwards and errors come up, but I can just close them. Daily quests don't save after loading the game. Should I try a different version of flash player? I use a portable opener version

idk I've been watching porn since 7 and I'm alright

Interesting game. I know this isn't what the game is a bout, but would be cool if you could help and convert her, have like a mini-romance and a happy ending. Maybe even some hentai lol sorry. I'm genuinely simpy for some reason

I'm not sure about the 4th and 5th. 5. grabbing rope was never an issue, you just hold up mid air. But I guess if there will be no situations where you don't want to not grab it... it's kind of a quality of life, but one that limits your options
4. zooming during sex and sometimes zooming out to assess the situation geographically was great, what's up with that I have to wander

How do I give you money? preferably something like itchio or dlsite, but not patreon cuz damn them and their artistic limitations, you probably know what I mean.

SpacEscape is actually a valuable pearl with very few of it's kind amongsthundreds of trash hentai games and this game has a similarly cool formula and your art is great as always. Can't wait for the ultimate successor.

Tho I hope you'll implement an easier way to gain health, at least I haven't come across other than max health pickup cuz of bugs in 0.4 so sex is going to be somewhat limiting if player wants to progress but have a fap here and there in future versions if it stays the same.

Anyway glad you and your work are alive, take care

Pro tip: if you get easily confused like me when it comes to maps in platformers, make a screen shot at the map selection, open paint, ctrl+v the screenshot and save into the game folder as png or something. Doing this for every map will guarantee you'll always be able to peek at the whole map again and coordinate yourself and your actions

1x Slime, 2x Tooth = Attack potion

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Well not necessarily. If someone wants to support monthly, regardless of the dev's update schedule, it's absolutely fine. It's just bad when the artist decides to start to maliciously stall his work progress for more money, going against promises and sincerety.

But that was like a side note about many devs, not all of course. My main problem with patreon is that it doesn't care about artist freedom of expression. They are very upright strict with their subjective, arbitrary and hypocritical purist views on morality. For examples - if you have rape, sex with monsters that resemble real animals too much, (probably prostitution too), birthing younglings that aren't eggs and/or immediately adults after.. you are gone until you change it. And there are many, much more innocent fenishes they don't allow.
 New artists think that patreon is the #1 go to for support to do whatever they want to create, and unfortunately it's not and I feel many are trapped there already, restricted by patreon's dumb rules or just prefer the money they are already making. It's unfortunate

don't know about subscriberstar, but patreon is horrible. They limit artists greatly with purist rules. No bestiality, no rape I think and some other things I couldn't tell on top of my head right now. Purchasing from sites like itchio is a good way to go from my perspective. No assumptions, just informing.

Also subscriber plans like that is way too abused nowdays for milking patrons. A lot of great projects are basically dead milk fest because of it. Not a great practice to have that option imo

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Hey, thank you for the reply.

Of course everything I said is just to consider if it's a good idea and worth your time adding to the game, for you to decide. Or future games. There are so many fetishes out there, last thing you wanna do is burn out, but if you will add a pdf, I think it sounds like a good and easy, fast idea. If anything, I just hope when the nude skin will be available, she will be actually very nude, like barefoot :D

Another thing would be nice to add in the pdf is numerical indication how much upgrades affect you. For example, it's obvious from gameplay that bomb upgrades give up +5 maximum capacity, but max health doesn't give you the exact numbers how much more life you get, and it's hard to judge by testing from being hit. So if original health is 100% or 100, then something like "+20%" or whatever the actual numbers are would be neat to see in the pdf or tooltip per upgrade. Just an idea for better clarification.


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Love everything about it. Don't mind the bats, don't mind the traps, don't mind anything anyone's been having trouble with really.

My refresh rate is 75 and I have no problem with falling, almost feels like I need to fall way too high to take damage(the very first unavoidable fall takes like 10-15% hp), but I hope bugs like that will be fixed for other people. Also pressing B regardless of my input settings fully heals me for free for no reason, as though I have a cheat on idk.

Would be nice to have some quality of life things, like tooltips explaining what exactly every upgrade does, because rn I don't know exactly what strengthned body does. Could even just be a .txt document that comes with the game, like a manual.

Looking forward to seeing new content, wish you the best, but especially to not get overwhelmed by suggestions and have a clear vision of the game and stay true to it. Can't please them all. For example personally I'd love if the MC could be visibly pregnant for some more time before birthing, like actually being able to play with a growing belly before the birth stun. As well as just lengthening the sex animations, like maybe double or triple the time, have the damage over time reduced, but do the same amount in the end if you let it go till the end as normally.

Anyway, good job. This is the kind of game you find in a piracy site and go buy it anyway lol