Well this is interesting. I found the original Turtle Head last week and when I finished, I thought to myself "Well that sucked." Imagine my surprise when I see this game trending. I gave it a try just to see how much of a change from the original there was and to be honest, my expectations were low.
I was blown away.
This game is a massive improvement over the original. The sprites look fantastic, the chase sequences were improved (the original game's chases were way too unforgiving), the characters were heavily fleshed out more, especially Emma and Marina, new fun puzzles, and the addition of more endings was a great touch.
I was expecting Emma's scenario to just to be about the same as Harriet's with just some changes in dialogue, but it was it's own game with much different puzzles and a much different story. Seeing her breakdown slowly was a neat difference from Harriet and I wish there was this much depth to Harriet in her scenario as I can only speculate so much about her issues with what I'm given. It was great to see the other characters from the perspective of both Harriet and Emma to help make the world feel alive, although I wish I could see what Simon and Mason were like back then too.
Overall I'd say everyone who worked on this did a great job in turning what I saw as a generic horror into something that stands out. Even if I don't find it scary (hard to do with rpgmaker), the characters and puzzles easily make up for that. Hope to see more from this team.