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(1 edit)

Thanks for the information, we will keep in mind for the future.

At first, we just sent a report to the game and wrote directly to support, but there was no response. Therefore, we decided that we need to use the DMCA service, since this was mentioned when sending a report to the game.

a report

And we paid because the DMCA requested payment to continue the process:

We have reviewed your case and the infringing URL listed. At this time your case would cost $199 and in order for professional staff to proceed with your takedown request, we will need you to pay for this case using the PayPal or Stripe buttons on the upper right hand side of this case detail view - above. Once payment has been received your case will be immediately processed.
Admin (5 edits)

And we paid because the DMCA requested payment to continue the process:

Sadly you paid some third party who made you think they were somehow officially related to the DMCA process. DMCA legal process that is available for anyone to use against any content hosted by online service providers located in the United States. All that is necessary is to provide answers to a list of questions relating to the infringing content to our team to process the request. We can help you through the process if necessary. (More information on our TOS: )

Since, in this case, the account was taken down by our team without even us having to process anything related to DMCA, I highly recommend seeking a refund from this company that you paid.

The link in our report screen is suggesting that you email us directly instead of opening a report, if you have a DMCA notice already prepared, since our report dialog is not configured to receive all the necessary information for a DMCA notice.
